Bible Topics In The Christian Library
God Sees All - Including the Fence Sitters!

Thesis:                         We need to be continually seeking His will to do good for others!
Sermon Type:              Expository sermon outline on the book of OBADIAH
Song of Invitation:        # 409;  O Think of the Home Over There.


I.      Means "Servant of Jehovah."

II.    He is one of the oldest minor prophet (845 B.C.)

III.   Verse 19 confirms the late date of the book - NOT 586 B.C.

IV.   He prophesied about the 70 yrs. of Babylonian captivity (606-536 B.C.)

V.   He gave a message to the Edomites.                               [Gen. 25: 30; 36: 1]


I.   Obadiah told the cliff-dwelling Edomites of the folly of their pride.          [3]
       A.   They foolishly rejoiced over the fall of Jerusalem and Judah to the Babylonians.

       B.   They did not help Judah when taken into captivity.          [Pr. 6: 16-19; 16: 18]
              1.   They were short-sighted about their own future.
                     i.   & if the Babylonians continued & turned also onto the Edomites?
                     ii.   Who would want to come to their rescue?
                     iii.   "Fair weather friends" live very superficial/shallow lives.
                            a.   Do I stand up for my friends in the faith?
                            b.   Do I stand up for what is right even if nobody else agrees?
                            c.   Do I have the courage to blow the whistle.
                            d.   Russ. prov: "Don't look for more trouble than you already have!"
              2.   They saw the Assyrians fall to the Babylonians, but they did not take heed.

       C.   The foolish rich man.                                      [Lk 12: 16-21]
              1.   Self centered, NOT God centered!
              2.   God wasn't neither a part of his pres success nor his future plans

       D.   Ananias & Shaphira lying about the sale of land.          [Acts 5: 1-11]
              1.   They were saving face in front of Peter & the others.
              2.   "Gr fear came upon all the Ch & upon all who heard these things.  [Acts 5: 11]

II.   Law of Divine Retribution
       A.   "You will reap what you sow.
                     You will reap more than you sow.
                            You will reap later than you sow."
       B.   The long-term consequences of our sin and folly will find us out.   [Gal. 6: 7-8]
              1.   Esau's violence to Jacob is now finding him out.   [10; Gen. 27: 41-46]
                     i.   "As you have done, it shall be done to you"       [15]
                     ii.   The next time we want to strike back at somebody, committing
                           something unholy, let us consider these wise words!
              2.   Ezekiel also prophesied rebuke against the Edomites.   [Ezek. 35: 9]

       C.   "I will bring you down." is God's stinging response to Edom's hard
       D.   The death of David's son after his sin with Bathsheba.                 [2 Sam 12: 1-23
       E.   Jacob deceives his father to get birth rite.                 [Gen 27]
              1.   Jacob was deceived about his son, Joseph              [Gen 37: 12-36]

III.   Rebuke to those who prefer NOT to become involved in the problems of others.

       A.   Weak and unprincipled people; riding the fence.
       B.   We need to give to all in any circumtance.                 [Jam. 2: 15-17]

       C.   James tells us many times that "Faith without works is DEAD!"       [Jam. 2]
              1.   We must prove our faith
              2.   by acting on our faith!

       D.   Much like the priest and the Levite in the "Good Samaritan"        [Lk. 10: 30-37]
              1.   Neither of these "religious" persons had compassion on the "man."
                     i.   God does not reveal to us the beaten man's nationality/race or his fame,
                           because it is not important.
                     ii.   They looked on the exterior and not the interior/heart of the man.
              2.   The Samaritan had true compassion/mercy for the wounded man.
                     i.   Do I look on the outward or inward man?
                     ii.   God is NO respector of persons!       [2 Chr. 19: 7; Acts 10: 34;
                           Rom. 2: 11; Eph. 6: 9; Col. 3: 25; Jam. 2: 1; 1 Pet. 1: 17]

       E.   Mordecai convincing Esther to go into the king's presence.    [Esther 4: 9-16]
              1.   This helped the remnant of Israel.                        [Eze 6: 8]
              2.   God will never forsake His people.

       F.   "He that isn't with Me, is against Me."                            [Mt 12: 30]
       `       1.   Accused Jesus Christ of being Beelzebub/Philistine deity, the ruler of the
              2.   The Jews said Jesus Christ was "a Samaritan & [had] a demon"      [Jn 8: 48]
              3.   People today are doubting that He existed--hog wash!

       G.   To become zealous Christians:                                    [Rev 3: 15-22]
              1.   Philippians/praise, Laodicea/censure; blame; severe judgement.
              2.   cold/lost, hot/zealous, lukewarm/lost!
                     i.   hot/cold/palatable, lukewarm/nauseating.
                     ii.   lukewarm: more harm to the church than the unsaved.
                     iii.   deadly infl upon the church = same cond as the cold/unsaved!
                     iv.   cold & lukewarm = self-deceived              [17]
                     v.   lukewarm doesn't realize his lost cond = fatal results!
              3.   Valuables are used to rep spiritual lessons.          [18]


I.   The Edomites were suffering from the sin of pride and self-preservation.
       A.   The parable of the rich fool teaches us to look beyond ourselves     [Lk. 12: 16-21]
       B.   We must trust in God rather than things.

II.   The Edomites haughty spirit and vengefulness is returned to them.          [2]

III.   Jesus Christ is our "Deliverer on Mount Zion."  If we are patient!


I.   God asks us to look at ourselves soberly.

II.   We will reap what we sow.

III.   We need to become involved in the lives of others physically and spiritually!

IV.   Let us think of the "Home Over There" and not our own short lives!

V.   To get to the home over there requires submission to the plan of salvation.
       A.   Study/hear God's Word and know what you need to do to obey God's commands:
                                                               [Mt. 7: 24-25; Rom. 10: 17]
       B.   Believe in the gospel.                               [Jn. 20: 30-31; Heb. 11: 6]
       C.   Repent of your old/sinful lifestyle.                     [Lk. 13: 3; Acts 3: 19; 17: 30]
       D.   Confess Christ as the Son of Gad.     [Mt. 10: 32-33; Acts 8: 37; Rom. 10: 9-10]
       E.   Be baptized for the remission of your past sins.
             [Mk. 16: 16; Acts 2: 38; 22: 16; 1 Pet. 3: 21]
       F.   Remain faithful unto death.                   [Mt. 10: 22; 1 Cor. 15: 58; Rev. 2: 10]

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