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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
1. The Title. Matt. 1:1.
2. First Division of the Genealogy. Matt. 1:2-6. Compare
Matt. 1:17.
3. Second Division. Matt. 1:7-11.
4. Third Division. Matt. 1:12-16.
5. The Divisions Stated. Matt. 1:17.
Matt. 2:1-23.
1. He Is Born and Visited by Wise Men from the East.
Matt. 2:1-12.
2. The Child Sent into Egypt. Matt. 2:13-15.
3. Herod Slays the Infants of Bethlehem. Matt. 2:16-18.
4. Return from Egypt and Settlement in Nazareth. Matt. 2:19-23.III. THE BAPTISM AND TEMPTATION OF JESUS. Matt. 3:1-4:11.
1. John and His Preaching. Matt. 3:1-6.
2. Pharisees and Sadducees Rebuked. Matt. 3:7-12.
3. Jesus Is Baptized by John. Matt. 3:13-17.
4. Jesus Is Tempted by Satan. Matt. 4:1-11.
Matt. 4:12-18:35.I. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENTS. Matt. 4:12-25.
1. Time and Place. Matt. 4:12-17.
2. Jesus Calls Four Fishermen. Matt. 4:18-22.
3. A General Statement of the Ministry in Galilee. Matt. 4:23-25.
II. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Matt. 5:1-7:29.
1. Blessedness and Worth of the Disciples. Matt. 5:1-16.
2. Some Modifications of the Moral Law. Matt. 5:17-48.
(1) Purpose of Jesus Concerning the Law. Matt. 5:17-20.
(2) The Law Against Killing. Matt. 5:21-26.
(3) The Law Against Adultery. Matt. 5:27-30.
(4) The Law of Divorce. Matt. 5:31, 32.
(5) The Law Concerning Oaths. Matt. 5:33-37.
(6) The Law of Retaliation. Matt. 5:38-42.
(7) How to Deal with Enemies. Matt. 5:43-48.
3. Against Hypocrisy and Worldly Care. Matt. 6:1-34.
(1) Hypocrisy in Almsgiving. Matt. 6:1-4.
(2) Hypocrisy in Prayer. Matt. 6:5-15.
(3) Hypocrisy in Fasting. Matt. 6:16-18.
(4) Against Care about Riches. Matt. 6:19-24.
(5) Against Care about the Necessaries of Life. Matt. 6:25-34.
4. Miscellaneous Precepts. Matt. 7:1-12.
(1) Against Judging. Matt. 7:1-5.
(2) A Caution in Regard to Holy Things. Matt. 7:6.
(3) Prayer Encouraged. Matt. 7:7-11.
(4) A Summary of the Moral Law. Matt. 7:12.
(5) The Way of Life. Matt. 7:13-29.
a. The Way a Narrow One. Matt. 7:13, 14.
b. How to Avoid Misguidance. Matt. 7:15-20.c. The Way Not by Prayer and Miracles Alone. Matt. 7:21-23.
d. The Way Pointed Out. Matt. 7:24-27.
e. Effect of the Sermon. Matt. 7:28, 29.III. A SERIES OF MIRACLES. Matt. 8:1-9:34.
1. A Leper Cleansed. Matt. 8:1-4.
2. Healing a Servant of a Centurion. Matt. 8:5-13.
3. Cares at Peter's Houses. Matt. 8:14-17.
4. A Conversation about Following Jesus. Matt. 8:18-22.
5. Jesus Stills a Great Tempest. Matt. 8:23-27.
6. Two Fierce Demoniacs Healed. Matt. 8:28-34.
7. Healing a Paralytic. Matt. 9:1-8.
8. The Call of Matthew and a Feast in His House. Matt. 9:9-13.
9. A Question about Fasting. Matt. 9:14-17.
10. Raising a Ruler's Daughter and Healing an Issue of Blood.
Matt. 9:18-26.
11. Giving Sight to Two Blind Men. Matt. 9:27-31.
12. A Dumb Demoniac Healed. Matt. 9:32-34.IV. THE FIRST MISSION OF THE APOSTLES. Matt. 9:35-10:42.
1. The Occasion of This Commission. Matt. 9:35-10:1.
2. The Names of the Twelve. Matt. 10:2-4.
3. Their Commission. Matt. 10:5-15.
4. Persecutions Predicted. Matt. 10:16-23.
5. Motives for Endurance Presented. Matt. 10:24-33.
6. The Design of Persecutions. Matt. 10:34-39.
7. Kindness to Disciples to Be Rewarded. Matt. 10:40-42.V. DISCOURSE ON THE REJECTION OF JOHN AND OF JESUS. Matt. 11:1-30.
1. Occasion of the Discourse. Matt. 11:1-6.
2. Comments on the Career of John. Matt. 11:7-15.
3. Childishness of the Unbelievers. Matt. 11:16-19.
4. The Cities Which Rejected Jesus Upbraided. Matt. 11:20-24.
5. A Thanksgiving and an Invitation. Matt. 11:25-30.VI. SOME DISPUTATIONS WITH PHARISEES. Matt. 12:1-8.
1. About Sabbath-breaking. Matt. 12:1-8.
2. About Sabbath-breaking Again. Matt. 12:9-21.
3. About Casting Out Demons. Matt. 12:22-30.
4. About the Sin Not Pardonable. Matt. 12:31-37.
5. About a Demand for a Sign. Matt. 12:38-45.
6. About His Mother and His Brothers. Matt. 12:46-50.VII. A SERIES OF PARABLES. Matt. 13:1-52.
1. The Parable of the Sower. Matt. 13:1-9.
2. Why He Spoke in Parables. Matt. 13:10-17.
3. The Parable of the Sower Explained. Matt. 13:18-23.
4. Parable of the Tares. Matt. 13:24-30.
5. Parable of the Mustard Seed. Matt. 13:31, 32.
6. Parable of the Leaven. Matt. 13:33.
7. His Speaking in Parables a Matter of Prophecy. Matt. 13:34, 35;
Ps. 78:2.
8. The Parable of the Tares Explained. Matt. 13:36-43.
9. Parable of the Hid Treasure. Matt. 13:44.
10. Parable of the Pearls. Matt. 13:45, 46.
11. Parable of the Net. Matt. 13:47-50.
12. The Parables Understood. Matt. 13:51, 52.VIII. PHASES OF OPINION CONCERNING JESUS. Matt. 13:53-58.
1. The Opinion of the Nazarenes. Matt. 13:53-58.
2. The Opinion of Herod. Matt. 14:1-12.
3. Excitement among the People and Feeding the Five Thousand.
Matt. 14:13-21.
4. Walking on the Water and Faith of the Disciples. Matt. 14:22-33.
5. Cures in Gennesaret. Matt. 14:34-36.
6. An Attack by Pharisees from Jerusalem. Matt. 15:1-20.IX. TOURS OF TYRE AND SIDON, AND CAESAREA PHILIPPI. Matt. 15:21-17:23.
1. A Woman of Great Faith. Matt. 15:21-28.
2. Cures at the Lake Shore and Feeding the Four Thousand.
Matt. 15:29-39.
3. A Sign from Heaven Demanded. Matt. 16:1-4.
4. A Warning against Pharisees and Sadducees. Matt. 16:5-12.
5. Peter's Confession. Matt. 16:13-20.
6. Jesus Predicts His Own Death and Resurrection. Matt. 16:21-28.
7. The Transfiguration. Matt. 17:1-8.
8. Comments on the Vision. Matt. 17:9-13.
9. A Boy with Epilepsy Healed. Matt. 17:14-21.
10. Second Prediction of His Death and Resurrection. Matt. 17:22, 23.X. CLOSING EVENTS IN GALILEE. Matt. 17:24-18:35.
1. Jesus Pays the Temple Tribute. Matt. 17:24-27.
2. About Who Shall Be Greatest. Matt. 18:1-9.
3. About Despising a Disciple. Matt. 18:10-14.
4. How to Deal with an Offending Brother. Matt. 18:15-20.
5. About Forgiving a Brother. Matt. 18:21-35.
Matt. 19:1-28:20.I. CONVERSATIONS IN PERAEA. Matt. 19:1-20:16.
1. Jesus Departs from Galilee. Matt. 19:1, 2.
2. A Conversation about Divorce. Matt. 19:3-12.
3. About Little Children. Matt. 19:13-15.
4. About How to Obtain Eternal Life. Matt. 19:16-22.
5. About the Danger of Riches. Matt. 19:23-26.
6. About Those Who Forsake All for Christ. Matt. 19:27-30.
7. Parable of Laborers in the Vineyard. Matt. 20:1-16.II. THE JOURNEY FROM PERAEA TO JERUSALEM. Matt. 20:17-21:11.
1. Third Prediction of His Death and Resurrection. Matt. 20:17-19.
2. An Ambitious Request of James and John. Matt. 20:20-28.
3. Two Blind Men Healed at Jericho. Matt. 20:29-34.
4. The Public Entry into Jerusalem. Matt. 21:1-11.III. INCIDENT AND DISCUSSION IN JERUSALEM. Matt. 21:12-22:46.
1. Jesus Expels Traders from the Temple. Matt. 21:12-17.
2. A Barren Fig Tree Is Withered. Matt. 21:18-22.
3. His Authority Is Demanded. Matt. 21:23-32.
4. Parable of the Vine-dressers. Matt. 21:33-46.
5. Parable of the Royal Wedding. Matt. 22:1-14.
6. A Question about Tribute to Caesar. Matt. 22:15-22.
7. A Question about the Resurrection. Matt. 22:23-33.
8. A Question as to the Great Commandment. Matt. 22:34-40.
9. A Question about the Christ. Matt. 22:41-46.IV. THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES DENOUNCED. Matt. 23:1-39.
1. For Their Ostentation. Matt. 23:1-12.
2. For Their Partisan Zeal. Matt. 23:13-15.
3. For Encouraging Perjury. Matt. 23:16-22.
4. For Neglecting Weighty Matters While Observing Small Ones.
Matt. 23:23, 24.
5. For Hypocrisy in Regard to Purification. Matt. 23:25-28.
6. For Imitating Their Persecuting Fathers. Matt. 23:29-36.
7. A Lamentation over Jerusalem. Matt. 23:37-39.V. THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE PREDICTED. Matt. 24:1-28.
1. Occasion of the Prediction. Matt. 24:1-3.
2. The Beginning of Sorrows. Matt. 24:4-8.
3. Persecutions Predicted and General Spread of the Gospel.
Matt. 24:9-14.
4. The Last Sign and an order for Flight. Matt. 24:15-22.
5. False Christs and False Prophets in Those Days. Matt. 24:23-28.VI. THE SECOND COMING OF THE SON OF MAN. Matt. 24:29-25:40.
1. The Coming Described. Matt. 24:29-31.
2. When the Second Coming to Be Looked for. Matt. 24:32-35.
3. Uncertainty of the Time. Matt. 24:36-42.
4. How to Be Prepared for It. Matt. 24:43-51.
5. Another Illustration: Parable of the Virgins. Matt. 25:1-13.
6. Another Illustration: Parable of the Talents. Matt. 25:14-30.
7. An Account of the Final Judgment. Matt. 25:31-46.VII. PLOTS AND PREPARATIONS FOR THE DEATH OF JESUS. Matt. 26:1-19.
1. Fourth Prediction of His Death. Matt. 26:1, 2.
2. A Plot of the Priests and Elders. Matt. 26:3-5.
3. Jesus Anointed for His Burial. Matt. 26:6-13.
4. Judas Contracts to Betray Jesus. Matt. 26:14-16.
5. The Passover Is Prepared. Matt. 26:17-19.VIII. INCIDENTS AT THE PASCHAL SUPPER AND IN GETHSEMANE. Matt. 26:20-56.
1. The Betrayal Predicted. Matt. 26:20-25.
2. The Lord's Supper Instituted. Matt. 26:26-29.
3. A Hymn Sung and Desertion Predicted. Matt. 26:30-35.
4. The Agony of Jesus in Gethsemane. Matt. 26:36-46.
5. Jesus Is Arrested. Matt. 26:47-56.IX. THE TRIAL AND CONDEMNATION OF JESUS. Matt. 26:57-27:26.
1. He Is Condemned by the Sanhedrim. Matt. 26:57-68.
2. Peter's Denial. Matt. 26:69-75.
3. Another Consultation of Priests and Elders. Matt. 27:1, 2.
4. The Remorse and Death of Judas. Matt. 27:3-10.
5. Pilate Persuaded to Crucify Jesus. Matt. 27:11-26.X. THE LAST SUFFERINGS AND THE BURIAL. Matt. 27:27-66.
1. Jesus Is Mocked by the Soldiers. Matt. 27:27-31.
2. He Is Led to Golgotha and Crucified. Matt. 27:32-44.
3. The Darkness and the End. Matt. 27:45-56.
4. The Burial. Matt. 27:57-61.
5. The Sepulchre Put Under Guard. Matt. 27:62-66.XI. THE RESURRECTION. Matt. 28:1-20.
1. Visit of the Women to the Sepulchre. Matt. 28:1-8.
2. Jesus Appears to the Women. Matt. 28:9, 10.
3. Conduct of the Soldiers and the Priests. Matt. 28:11-15.
4. The Meeting in Galilee. Matt. 28:16-20.