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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Part Second. Ministry of Jesus in Peræa and Judæa. Mark 10:1-16:20.
- Review: Part First.
- Review: Part Second.
- The Number of Days Represented in Mark.
x. 1-xvi. 20.
1. A Question about Divorce. x. 1-45.
- In what sense, "tempting him"? 2.
- Combine the items of this conversation with those given in Matthew. See Matt. xix. 1-12.
2. Remarks about Little Children. 13-16.
- How is the kingdom of such? 14.
3. How to Obtain Eternal Life. 17-22.
- Why did the man run, and kneel? 17.
- Why say, "None is good" but God? 18.
- Why did Jesus love him? 21.
- State all that was required of him. 21.
- Why sorrowful and not angry? 22.
4. About the Danger of Riches. 23-27.
- What the point of danger? 24.
5. The Reward of Self-Denial. 28-31.
- What is omitted? See Matt. xix. 17-30.
- In what form the hundredfold received? 30.
- Why add, "with persecutions"? 30.
6. Third Prediction of Death. 32-34.
- Why amazed and afraid at going to Jerusalem? 32, cf. Jno. xi. 7-10, 16.
- How does this prediction compare with the fulfillment? [58]
7. An Ambitious Request of James and John. 35-45.
- How did they present their request? 35, cf. Matt. xx. 20.
- What the baptism, and why so called? 38, 39.
- Why the indignation? 41.
- Why this sin rebuked so often?
§ II. JOURNEY FROM PERÆA TO JERUSALEM. x. 46-xi. 11. 1. Blind Bartimæus Healed. x. 46-52.
- Why come to Jericho? 46, cf. 32.
- Why not mention the other beggar? See Matt. xx. 29, 30.
- Why cast away his garment? 50.
- Which way did he go, when told to go his way? 52.
- Inference from this?
2. The Public Entry into Jerusalem. xi. 1-10.
- Why speak only of the colt? 2, 7, cf. Matt. xxi. 1-5.
- Why say, "the kingdom of our father David"? 10.
- Meaning of Hosanna?
3. A View of the Temple and Return to Bethany. 11.
- At what time of day did he enter the temple?
- Why to Bethany with the twelve? See Jno. xi. 1-3, 43.
§ III. INCIDENTS AND DISCUSSIONS IN JERUSALEM. xi. 12-xii. 44. 1. A Barren Fig Tree Cursed. xi. 12-14.
- Why not know whether there was fruit? 13.
- How could he hope for figs before the season?
- Why the leaves so forward?
2. Profaners of the Temple Expelled. 15-19.
- What the excuse for trading in the temple? 15.
- What for [59] carrying vessels through it? 16.
- How, "a den of robbers"? 17.
- Why wish to destroy him? 18.
- Whither did he go every evening? 19, cf. 11.
3. The Fig Tree Found Withered. 20-25.
- What could cause a tree to wither to the roots so soon? 20, cf. 12.
- Why not see it as they went out the evening before? L. of B., 232.
- What limit to the promise in 24?
- Why the precept here about forgiving? 25.
- Difference from Matthew in this and last two paragraphs? Cf. Matt. xxi. 12-22.
4. The Authority of Jesus Demanded. 27-33.
- Who the chief priests, scribes, and elders? 27.
- What did their question imply? 28.
- What the effect of this discussion on the by-standers?
5. Parable of the Vine-dressers. xii. 1-12.
- Why say, "a servant"? 2, 4, 5, cf. Matt. xxi. 34-36.
- How could they see that the parable was against them? 12.
- Why leave him? 12, cf. xii. 13.
6. A Question about Tribute to Cæsar. 13-17.
- Why send Herodians? 13.
- What Pharisees were sent? See Matt. xxii. 16.
- Why did they marvel? 17.
7. A Question about the Resurrection. 18-27.
- Why say, "in the book of Moses"? 26.
- Why say, "in the place concerning the Bush"? 26. [60]
8. About the Greatest Commandment. 28-34.
- Why none greater than these? 31.
- Why the scribe's response? 32.
- Why was he not far from the kingdom?
- What was he besides a scribe? Matt. xxii. 35.
9. A Question about the Christ. 35-37.
- Did Jesus think David the author of the psalm quoted?
- Did he think him inspired?
- Why did the common people hear more gladly than others? 37.
10. Ostentation and Avarice of the Scribes Denounced.
- How devour widows' houses? 40.
- Why were their prayers long? 40.
- Difference from Matthew? Cf. Matt. xxiii. 1-39.
11. The Widow's Contribution. 41-44.
- What law was being observed? Deut. xvi. 16, 17.
- What was the coin, and its value? 42.
- In what sense did she cast in more than the others?
SECOND COMING FORETOLD. xiii. 1-37.1. Occasion of the Prediction. xiii. 1-4.
- Where were the other disciples? 3, 4.
2. The Beginning of Trouble. 5-8. 3. Persecutions to Occur. 9-13.
- Why "beaten" in synagogues? 9.
- Meaning of, "not ye [61] that speak, but the Holy Spirit"? 11.
- Meaning of, "hated" "for my name's sake"? 13.
4. The Last Sign and the Order for Flight. 14-23.
- What the purpose of this prediction?
5. The Second Coming of the Son of Man. 24-27.
- Is the language concerning the sun, moon and stars literal?
- Into what place shall the elect be gathered? 27.
6. Parable of the Fig Tree. 28-31.
- When ye see what things? 29.
- What things accomplished? 30.
7. The Day of the Coming Unknown. 32-37.
- Meaning of, "find you sleeping"? 36.
- How does Mark report of this prediction compare with Matthew's? Matt. xxiv. 1-xxv. 46.
xiv. 1-17.1. A Plot of the Priests and Scribes. xiv. 1, 2.
2. Jesus is Anointed for Burial. 3-9.
- Why break the cruse? 3.
- Value of the ointment in our money? 5.
- How could she afford such ointment?
- Point in the remark, "she hath done what she could"?
3. Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus. 10, 11.
- Why were they glad? 11.
- Did they merely promise the money? or did they give it? 11, cf. Matt. xxvi. 15. [62]
4. The Paschal Supper is Prepared. 12-17.
- Why called, "the first day of unleavened bread"? 12, cf. Ex. xii. 18.
- What foreknowledge here exhibited? 13-15.
xiv. 18-52.1. The Betrayal Predicted. xiv. 18-21.
- Was Judas sitting near Jesus? 20.
- Why the woe pronounced?
2. The Lord's Supper Instituted. 22-26.
- Did he drink of the cup? 25.
3. The Denial Foretold. 27-31.
- Difference from Matthew as to the cock-crowing? 30, cf. Matt. xxvi. 31-35.
4. The Agony in Gethsemane. 32-42.
- What new item? 40, cf. Matt. xxvi. 36-46.
5. The Arrest. 43-52.
- Was the young man one of the twelve? 51.
- Why was he clothed in that way?
§ VII. THE TRIAL OF JESUS. xiv. 53-xv. 15. 1. He is Condemned by the Sanhedrim. xiv. 53-65.
2. Peter Denies His Lord. 66-72.
- Did he hear the first crowing? 68, 72.
3. Jesus is Accused before Pilate. xv. 1-5.
- Why a consultation held? 1.
- Why did Jesus answer nothing? 5.
- Why did Pilate marvel at this? 5. [63]
4. Barabbas is Preferred to Jesus. 6-15.
- How were the people persuaded? 11.
- Pilate's motive? 15.
§ VIII. THE CRUCIFIXION AND BURIAL. xv. 16-47. 1. Jesus is Mocked by the Soldiers. xv. 16-20.
- What was the Prætorium? 16.
2. He is Led Forth and Crucified. 21-28.
- Who were Alexander and Rufus? 21.
- Explains the difference as to the drink. 23, cf. Matt. xxvii. 34.
- What time of day? 25.
3. He is Reviled by the People. 29-32.
- What arguments implied in their remarks?
4. The Darkness and the End. 33-38.
- Meaning of, "Let be," etc.? 36, cf. Matt. xxvii. 49.
5. The Centurion and the Women. 39-41.
- Who was Salome? 40, cf. Matt. xxvii. 56.
- How many women in all? 40, 41.
- In what way had they ministered to Jesus?
6. The Burial. 42-47.
- What "Preparation" was it? 42.
- Was it appointed in the law?
- Why say, "he boldly went in"? 43.
- Why did Pilate marvel? 44.
- Why only two of the women at the tomb? 47.
ASCENSION. xvi. 1-20.1. The Women Visit the Sepulchre. xvi. 1-8.
- Why so late reaching the tomb? 2, cf. 1.
- What time did they start? See Matt. xxviii. 1.
- Did they know there had been [64] a guard at the tomb? 3.
- Did they see the angel roll the stone away? 4, 5.
- Did they tell the disciples, as directed? 8.
- Why say, "tell his disciples and Peter"? 7.
2. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene. 9-11.
- How could he appear to her before he did to the other women? 9, cf. 1.
- Why did they disbelieve? 11.
3. He Appears to Two in the Country. 12, 13.
- How, "in another form"? See Luke xxiv. 16.
- Why were not these two believed? Cf. Luke xxiv. 33-35.
4. He Appears to the Eleven and Gives Them Their
Commission. 14-18.
- Are there two appearances, or only one, referred to in this paragraph? xvi. 14, 19, cf. Luke xxiv. 36-43.
- In what sense, "shall be saved"? 16.
- In what sense "condemned"? 16.
- Is it promised that every believer shall work the signs? 17, 18.
- Is it promised that the signs shall follow believers always?
- What was the fulfilment of this promise? 20.
5. The Ascension. 19, 20.
- How did Mark learn that Jesus sat down at the right hand of God? 19. See Acts ii. 32-35.
- How know that it was He who worked the signs? 20.
- What indication here as to the date of this Gospel? 20.
- What of the genuineness of xvi. 9-20? See 9, margin. [65]
- What is the subject and what the extent of Part First?
- What the subjects of the section?
§ I.
- How does Mark introduce Jesus?
- What events are mentioned in this section? and why these?
- Why are the accounts of these so abbreviated?
§ II.
- What was the substance of the first preaching in Galilee?
- Who were the first followers of Jesus? and how obtained?
- What impression was made by the first expulsion of a demon?
- What the effect of cleansing the first leper?
- What is noted at this time of the prayerfulness of Jesus?
§ III.
- What power over sin did Jesus claim? and how did he proved that he possessed it?
- Did he forgive the sins of any other mentioned by Matthew or Mark?
- What charges against Jesus are mentioned in this section? and how did he answer them?
- How did he proceed in selecting the twelve?
- What lesson did he teach respecting his kindred?
§ IV.
- What is the chief difference between Matthew and Mark in the section on parables?
- How many parables in both combined?
§ V.
- In the section on miracles, how many of Matthew's does Mark report?
- What difference in the treatment of those given?
- What difference in the order of introducing the miracles [66] and the parables?
- What learned about demons from the account of the legion? See Mark, Part I, § V; Matthew, Part II, § III.
§ VI.
- What opinions concerning Jesus are indicated in this section?
- Why form these opinions rather than the true one?
- Trace all the causes of John's death.
- State the causes which led to feeding the five thousand.
§ VII.
- State the position of the Pharisees on tradition.
- How was tradition regarded by Jesus?
- Explain the word "washings" as here used.
- Why did the disciples think his remarks a parable?
- Name the events on the tour to Phoenicia and Decapolis.
- How did the Syrophoenician show great faith?
- State the place and circumstances of feeding the four thousand.
§ IX.
- State the events on the tour to Cæsarea Philippi.
- Which of these is peculiar to Mark? Cf. Matt. xv. 21; xvii. 23.
- What was the leaven of Herod?
- Why a second attempt in healing the blind man?
- When the first and the second predictions of his death?
- What do we learn from the Transfiguration?
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.
- What events in Peræa are mentioned by Mark?
- Give the whole conversation about divorce in the natural order of the remarks. x. 1-12; Matt. xix. 1-12.
- What is the point of danger [67] in riches?
- When and where was the third prediction of his death?
- What did the disciples think of it?
- What conception of the kingdom had James and John?
- Explain the remark about a cup and a baptism.
§ II.
- Why does Mark mention only one blind man healed at Jericho?
- At what time of day did Jesus enter the temple, and what did he do there?
- Where was his lodging place?
§ III.
- Give in full the account of the barren fig tree.
- What uses of the temple court did Jesus condemn? and why?
- Show what effect the discussion about his authority must have had.
- Who were chief priests, scribes, and elders?
- What other questions were put to Jesus that day? and what his answers?
- What remark did he make concerning the author of the last question? and why?
- Why could his opponents not answer his question?
- What is implied as to David in this question?
- How did the scribes exhibit ostentation?
- How did they devour widow's houses?
- What standard of liberality did Jesus set forth?
§ IV.
- What occasioned the prophetic discourse in this section?
- What the practical purpose of the signs preceding the destruction of the temple?
- Could the disciples have expected the second coming to precede the fall of the temple?
- Did this discourse allow them to expect the second coming at the time of the fall?
- Could they have formed any definite opinion as to [68] when it would occur?
- Did the language allow them to expect it in their own life-time?
§ V.
- Name separately the plots and the preparations mentioned in this section.
- How could Mark call the day the lamb was killed, "the first day of unleavened bread"?
§ VI.
- Name the incidents at the supper and in Gethsemane.
- What piece of information not found in Matthew?
§ VII.
- On what grounds was Jesus condemned by the Sanhedrim and sentenced by Pilate?
- What was his defense? and why?
- Why was choice offered between Barabbas and Jesus?
- How does Mark designate the man who carried the cross of Jesus? and why?
- At what hour does he fix the time of the crucifixion?
- What women were present?
- Why they, rather than the male disciples?
- What title does Mark give to the day of the crucifixion? and why?
- Should Pilate's doubt whether Jesus was dead throw any doubt on it with us?
§ IX.
- State and explain the difference between Mark and Matthew as to the visit of the women to the tomb.
- To whom did Jesus first appear?
- How could this be?
- How did he appear, "in another form" to the two in the country?
- Show that there are two appearances to the eleven in Mark's account.
- Explain the commission.
- Why has it a different form from that in Matthew?
- By whom, and how long were the signs to be wrought?
- How late must Mark's Gospel have been written? [69]
Days John's speech. i. 7, 8, 1 Baptism of Jesus. 9-11, 1 Temptation of Jesus. 12, 13, 40 Call of the fishermen. 16-20, 1 Healing in Capernaum. 21-34, 1 Healing the first leper. 40-42, 1 Healing the paralytic. ii. 1-12, 1 Calling Levi, and discussion. 14-18, 1 Plucking grain and healing withered hand. ii. 23; iii. 1, 1 Great crowds, and selection of the twelve. iii. 7, 13, 20, 31, 1 From speech in parables to raising ruler's daughter. iv. 1, 2, 35; v. 21, 23, 1 At Nazareth. vi. 1, 1 Sending the twelve. 7, 1 Herod's opinion, and death of John. 14, 16-29, 2 Feeding five thousand and return. 30-51, 2 Discussion on tradition. vii. 1, 2, 1 Healing Syrophoenician's daughter. 24-30, 1 Work in Decapolis. vii. 31; viii. 2, 3, 3 Sign from heaven and journey to Bethsaida. viii. 11, 13, 22, 1 Conversation at Cæsarea Philippi. 27, 2 Transfiguration and obstinate demon. ix. 2, 9, 14, 1 Second prediction of death. 30, 31, 1 Dispute about greatness and John's jealousy. 33, 38, 1 About divorce, infants and riches. x. 1, 13, 17, 1 Third prediction of death. 22-34, 1 Request of James and John. 35, 1 Blind Bartimæus. 46, 1 From public entry to crucifixion. xi. 11-xiv. 17, 5 Resurrection scenes. xvi. 2, 9, 12, 14, 19, 2 --- Total 78 Less the days of temptation 40 --- Total of other incidents 38 [CNSH3 49-71]
- What inference from these figures as to the plan of the book? [71]