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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Part Third. Incidents on a Journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Luke 9:51-19:48.
- Part Fourth. Teaching in Jerusalem, Death, Burial and Resurrection. Luke 20:1-24:53.
- Review: Part First.
- Review: Part Second.
- Review: Part Third.
- Review: Part Fourth.
JERUSALEM.ix. 51-xix. 48.
1. Preparation for the Journey. ix. 51-56.
- Meaning of, "received up"? 51.
- Why wish to go through Samaria? 52.
- Why object to his going to Jerusalem? Jno. iv. 20; cf. Josephus, Ant., B. XX. C. vi. 1.
- Why the severity of James and John? Cf. Mark iii. 17; Acts viii. 14-17.
2. Remarks about Following Jesus. 57-62.
- In this in its chronological place? Cf. 51; Matt. viii. 18-23. [84]
- Point in the remark about ploughing? 62.
- The lesson taught them and us?
3. The Mission of the Seventy. x. 1-16.
- Whither sent, and why two and two? 1.
- Why sent? 2.
- How as lambs in the midst of wolves? 3.
- Why salute no man on the way? 4.
- How could their peace return to them? 6.
- Why, "no purse" etc.? 4, 7.
- What power given them? 9.
- Why the subject of their preaching? 9, 11.
- Is the woe upon the cities in its chronological place? 13-15, cf. Matt. xi. 20-24.
4. The Return and Report of the Seventy. 17-24.
- Why their remark about demons? 17, cf. 9.
- When did he see Satan fall? 18.
- What the rule about rejoicing? and why? 20.
- In what did he rejoice, and why? 31.
- Reference in the remark about prophets and kings? 24, cf. First Peter i. 10-12.
§ II. A SERIES OF CONVERSATIONS. x. 25-xii. 59. 1. With a Lawyer about Who is My Neighbor? x. 25-37.
- Who were the lawyers? 25.
- In what sense "tempted" him? 25.
- How could the lawyer answer so correctly? 27.
- In what way desiring to justify himself? 29.
- Why say, "going down"? 30.
- What the excuses of the priest and the Levite? 31, 32.
- What excuses could the Samaritan have given had he passed by?
- How much money? and why so little? 35.
- What is the answer to the lawyer's question? [85]
2. With Mary and Martha. 38-42.
- Why the house called Martha's? 38.
- What the good part chosen by Mary?
- What the one thing needful?
3. With His Disciples about Prayer. xi. 1-13.
- Why the request, when he had once taught them? 1.
- Why not pray as John had taught?
- Point in the parable of the loaves? 5-9.
- Is the Holy Spirit given for asking alone? 13.
4. With Unbelievers about Casting Out Demons. 14-26.
- Was it the demon or the man who was dumb? 14.
- Was the objection expressed to Jesus? 15, 17.
- Show the force of his three arguments.
- Point in the parable of the unclean spirit? 24-26.
- What here learned about unclean spirits?
5. With a Woman Who Congratulated Him. 27, 28.
- What suggested her remark?
6. With the Multitude about the Demand for a Sign. 29-32.
- What kind of sign?
- How was Jonah a sign to the Ninevites? and how Jesus to his generation?
- In what sense condemn them? 31, 32.
- Inference as to the time of the judgment? 31, 32.
7. Parable of a Lamp. 33-36.
- Its significance?
8. With a Pharisee about Purification. 37-44.
- What washing? See Mark vii. 4.
- Meaning of remark about alms? 41.
- Point in comparison to tombs? 44. [86]
9. With a Lawyer about the Sins of His Class. 45-52.
- What burdens? 46.
- Why required of that generation? 50, 51.
- How did they take away the key of knowledge? 52.
10. With Scribes and Pharisees Who Seek to Provoke Him.
53, 54.
- To catch what out of his mouth?
- Wickedness of their conduct?
11. With His Disciples about Fear of Men. xii. 1-12.
- Connection of hypocrisy with the subject? 1.
- When shall the hidden be made known? 2, 3.
- Force of the reasons for not fearing men? 5; 6, 7; 8, 9; 10, 11, 12.
- Inference as to future punishment? 4, 5.
- Nature of the inspiration promised? 11, 12.
12. With the Multitude about Covetousness. 13-21.
- What the trouble between the brothers? 13.
- Why call on Jesus? and why his refusal?
- Why connect the request with covetousness? 15.
- Why was the rich man foolish? 19, 20, 21.
- Point in the question, "whose shall they be"? 20.
13. With the Disciples about Worldly Care. 22-34.
- Why specify the ravens? 24.
- Why is adding a cubit to one's stature called the "least"? 25, 26. See margin.
- Force of the reasons given?
14. About Watching for the Lord's Coming. 35-40.
- Explain the comparisons used. [87]
15. With Peter about the Warning just Given. 41-48.
- What the answer to Peter's question? 42, 45, 48.
- Why beat the ignorant servant at all? 48.
16. He Predicts Suffering and Divisions. 49-53.
- In what sense did he come to cast fire? 49.
- What the baptism, and why so called? 50.
- Meaning of the question, "what will" etc.? 49.
- Why "straitened"? 50.
- In what sense did he come to give division and not peace? 51.
17. With the Multitude about the Signs of the Time. 54-59.
- Why showers from the west? 54.
- Points of comparison in the case of the adversary? 58, 59.
- Was this comparison a repetition? Cf. Matt. v. 25, 26.
§ III. A SERIES OF DISCUSSIONS. xiii. 1-xvi. 31. 1. Of Providential Calamities. xiii. 1-9.
- Probable cause of Pilate's act? 1.
- Where and what was Siloam? 4.
- The error corrected, and the lesson taught?
- Bearing of the parable? 6-9.
2. With Pharisees about Sabbath-breaking. 10-21.
- Why call them hypocrites? 15.
- Are all afflictions from Satan? 16, cf. 11.
- Why repeat the two parables here? 18-21, cf. 18.
3. As to the Number Who Shall be Saved. 22-30.
- What the answer as to number? 24.
- Why will any expect to enter who can not? 25.
- How will the wicked see the righteous [88] in the kingdom? 28.
- Who from, "the east and west" etc.? 29.
- Meaning of last first and first last in 30?
4. About a Threat Concerning Herod. 31-35.
- Purpose of the threat? 31.
- Meaning of his message to Herod? 32, 33.
- Why call him a fox?
- How many times did he utter the address to Jerusalem? 34, 35; Matt. xxiii. 37-39.
5. About the Right to Heal on the Sabbath. xiv. 1-6.
- Why eat with Pharisees so often?
- Why does Jesus raise the question this time?
6. A Lesson on Humility. 7-11.
- Does this agree with the customs of the country?
- Humbled and exalted by whom? 11.
- To what other gatherings does this apply?
7. A Lesson on Entertainments. 12-14.
- What kind of feasts referred to?
8. About Eating in the Kingdom of God. 15-24.
- Cause of the man's exclamation? 15.
- The real reason behind the excuses? 18-21.
- Points of analogy in the parable?
9. About Counting the Cost. 25-35.
- What meant by hate? 26.
- Why his demand so exacting? 26, 27.
- Bearing of the illustration from the builder? 28-30.
- Of that from the king? 31-33.
- Of that from salt? 34, 35.
10. About Receiving Sinners. xv. 1-32. (1). Occasion of the discussion. xv. 1, 2.
- Ground of the objection? [89]
(2). First argument. 3-7.
- Why such joy over the one? 7.
- Force of the argument?
(3). Second argument. 8-10.
- Why light a lamp? and sweep?
- Force of this as an argument?
(4). Third argument. 11-24.
- Point in being sent to feed swine? 15.
- What the husks? 16.
- Meaning of, "came to himself"? 17.
- Significance of the parable as an argument?
- What kind of dancing?
(5). Fourth argument. 25-32.
- Bearing of this on the question?
11. About the Right Use of Riches. xvi. 1-31. (1). Parable of the unjust steward. xvi. 1-13.
- Effect of changing the bonds? 6-8, 14.
- What kind of wisdom? 8, cf. Jas. iii. 15, 17.
- What the mammon of unrighteousness? 9.
- How make friends by means of it? and what friends? 9.
- What meant by, "that which is your own"? 12.
(2). Pharisees scoff and are rebuked. 14-18.
- Why the scoffing? 14.
- What limit to the last clause of 15?
- Connection of the remarks about John, and divorce? 16-18.
(3). Parable of the rich man and Lazarus. 19-31.
- Completeness of the two pictures? 19-21.
- Connection with the preceding? Cf. 15.
- Connection of the fate of the two with the subject? 22-26.
- What is Hades? 23.
- Why represent Lazarus in Abraham's bosom? 23.
- What here taught of the wicked in [90] Hades?
- What taught as to the means of persuading men? 29-31.
- Was the conversation a reality?
- What uses of riches are discussed in the paragraph?
§ IV. CONVERSATIONS AND MIRACLES. xvii. 1-xix. 27. 1. About Forgiveness of Brethren. xvii. 1-10.
- Why impossible?
- Why say, "Increase our faith"? 5.
- Force of the answer? 6.
- Bearing of the parable? 7-10.
- Why unprofitable when duty is done? 10.
- What bearing has this on the doctrine of works of supererogation?
2. A Case of Ingratitude. 11-19.
- How, "through the midst of Samaria and Galilee"? 11.
- Why show themselves to the priests, and where were the priests? 14.
- Force of the word "stranger"? 18.
- How did his faith make him whole? 19.
3. A Warning about the Coming of the Kingdom. 20-37.
- In what sense, "within you"? 21.
- Why the desire? 22.
- Point in the comparison to lightning? 23, 24.
- In what day? 24, cf. 25, 34, 35.
- Point of comparison to days of Noah and of Lot? 26-30.
- Why the remark about goods? 31.
- Why remember Lot's wife? 32.
- Whither taken and where left? 34-37.
4. A Lesson on Perseverance in Prayer. xviii. 1-8.
- How avenge speedily, yet longsuffering?
- Point of comparison to the judge?
- Find what faith? 8. [91]
5. A Rebuke of Self-righteous Prayers. 9-14.
- What trust in themselves? 9.
- What was the character of the Pharisee? 11, 12.
- Why the difference in the result? 14.
6. A Blessing Pronounced on Infants. 15-17.
- How is the kingdom of such?
- How does a little child receive the kingdom?
7. About the Difficulty in Saving a Rich Man. 18-30.
- In what sense none good but God? 19.
- Why the remark?
- What was it that he lacked? 22, 23.
- What the difficulty of saving the rich? 25, 28.
- How receive manifold more in this time? 30.
8. His Death again Predicted. 31-34.
- If written by the prophets, why not understood? 34, 31.
9. A Blind Man Healed at Jericho. 35-43.
- How did he know it was a multitude? 36.
- Could he know it was a multitude before many had passed by?
- How then was it those going before that rebuked him? 39.
- How does this agree with the accounts of Matthew and Mark? Matt. xx. 29, 30; Mark x. 49.
10. The Conversion of Zacchæus. xix. 1-10.
- Does xix. 1 agree with interpretation of the last incident?
- Meaning of, "chief publican"? 2.
- Why joyfully? 6.
- What prompted his resolve? 8.
- How had salvation come to the house? 9.
- How does he compare with the rich men of xviii. 18, 23; xvi. 19. [92]
11. The Parable of the Pounds. 11-27.
- Force of the reason for speaking this parable? 11.
- Why go to a far country to receive a kingdom?
- What represented by the servants and the pounds? 13-26.
- Who, by the citizens? 14, 27.
- How is the word kingdom used in this place? 11, 12.
§ V. THE PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM. xix. 28-48. 1. He Procures an Ass. xix. 28-35.
- Why say, "going up"? 28.
- Where Bethphage and Bethany? 29.
- Into which village? 30, cf. Matt. xxi. 1, 2.
- Why did the owner of the colt consent?
- Why say nothing of the dam?
- What saddle and bridle did he use? 35.
2. The Acclamation of the People. 36-40.
- Why spread their garments on the path? 36.
- Who were the speakers? 37.
- Why call him a king? 38.
- Why say, "peace in heaven"?
- Why did the Pharisees object? 39.
- How would the stones cry out? 40.
3. Jesus Weeps over the City. 41-44.
- Cause of the weeping?
- What enemies referred to?
- Why cast a bank about her? 43.
- Meaning of, "time of thy visitation"? 44.
4. Jesus Clears the Temple and Teaches. 45-48.
- What were they selling? 45.
- How a den of thieves? 46.
- How did the people prevent destroying Jesus? 47, 48. [93]
RESURRECTION.xx. 1-xxiv. 53.
1. About the Authority of Jesus. xx. 1-8.
- One of what days? 1, cf. xix. 47.
- Why fear stoning? 6.
- Effect of this on the by-standers?
2. Parable of the Vine-dressers. 9-19.
- Significance of the parable?
- Why say, "God forbid"? 16. See 19.
- How does xx. 16 agree with Matthew xxi. 41?
- Connection of the remark about the stone? 18, 19.
- Why not, "lay hands on him"? 19.
3. About Tribute to Cæsar. 20-26.
- Why say "spies"? 20; Matt. xxii. 16.
- Meaning of, "take hold of the saying"? 26.
4. About the Resurrection. 27-40.
- Why can they not die? 36.
- In what sense equal to the angels? 36.
- How their difficulty removed?
- Why did the scribes approve this answer? 39.
- Why not dare to ask more questions? 40.
5. The Scribes Puzzled and Denounced. 41-47.
- Of what is xx. 45-47 a part? See Matt. xxiii. 1-39.
6. About Gifts to the Lord's Treasury. xxi. 1-4.
- How did the widow cast in more than all? [94]
1. Occasion of the Prediction. xxi. 5-7.
- Does this require the stones under ground to be moved?
2. False Christs, Great Calamities and Persecutions to Come
First. 8-13.
- How, "for a testimony"? 13.
3. How to Act under Persecution. 14-19.
- What kind of help promised? 14, 15.
- If killed, how not a hair perish? 16, 18.
- Effect of patience? 19.
4. When to Flee, and Why? 20-24.
- What the, "times of the Gentiles"? 24.
5. Other Signs. 25-28.
- Were they to see the Son of man before the fall of Jerusalem? 27, cf. 24.
- When what things begin to come to pass? 28.
- What redemption? 28.
6. Illustration from the Fig Tree. 29-33.
- Point of comparison?
- Till all what be fulfilled? 32.
7. The Suddenness of the Second Coming. 34-36.
- How, "as a snare"? 35.
- How, "watch ye at every season, making supplication"? 36.
- Meaning of, "stand before the Son of man"? 36.
8. The Way Jesus Spent His Time. 37, 38.
- Where, in the mount of Olives? See Mark xi. 11. [95]
JESUS. xxii. 1-38.1. The Agreement between the Chief Priests and Judas.
xxii. 1-6.
- How did Satan enter Judas? 3.
- Why go to the priests? 4.
- Why in the absence of the multitude? 6.
2. The Passover Prepared. 7-13.
- What day of the month? 7.
- What foreknowledge seen in the order to Peter and John? 10-12.
- What preparation was made? 13.
3. Remarks at the Paschal Supper. 14-38. (1). About the passover. 14-18.
- Why such desire? 15.
- When was it fulfilled in the kingdom? 16.
(2). The Lord's supper instituted. 19, 20.
- Why called the Lord's supper? I. Cor. xi. 20.
- Why by some called the eucharist, and by some, the sacrament?
- Its design?
(3). About the betrayal. 21-23. (4). About who shall be greatest. 24-27.
- When the strife?
- How was he as one that serves? 27.
(5). About the thrones of the apostles. 28-30.
- What these thrones?
(6). About Simon's great temptation. 31-34.
- When the praying done? 32.
- What is sifting? [96]
(7). About their former mission compared with their future
one. 35-38.
- What change made? 36.
- What meant by the order to buy a sword?
- How was it understood, and how the mistake corrected? 36, 38, cf. Matt. xxvi. 51, 52.
xxii. 39-xxiii. 56.1. His Agony in the Mount of Olives. xxii. 39-46.
- What of xxii. 43, 44?
- Why the warnings against temptation? 40, 46.
- How would prayer prevent it?
2. He is Arrested. 47-54.
- Why the kiss? 47, cf. Mark xiv. 44.
- Meaning of, "Suffer ye thus far"? 51.
- Why say, "this is your hour," etc.? 53.
- Why to the high priest's house? 54.
3. Peter's Denial. 55-62.
- Why a fire, and why Peter at it? 55.
- Time included in the denials? 59, 61.
- How could Jesus see Peter, and why the look? 61, cf. 55.
4. Jesus Blindfolded and Mocked. 63-65.
- Motive of this?
5. He is Condemned by the Sanhedrim. 66-71.
- Who constituted the Sanhedrim? 66.
- Why his first answer? 67, 68. [97]
6. He is Taken to Pilate and Sent to Herod. xxiii. 1-12.
- The accusations? 2.
- Meaning of, "perverting our nation"?
- Why so prompt a decision? 4.
- Why Herod in Jerusalem? 7.
- Why send Jesus to Herod?
- Why not answer Herod?
- What made Pilate and Herod friends? 12.
7. Pilate Persuaded to Crucify Him. 13-25.
- Why say, "called together"? 13.
- Why propose to chastise him? 16, 22.
- Why did Pilate yield? 23, 24.
8. Jesus Led away and Crucified. 26-38.
- Who were the women? 27, 28.
- What coming days referred to? 29.
- Why would they say, "Blessed are the barren"?
- What the green tree and the dry? 31.
- Why the malefactors led out? 32.
9. Conduct of the Malefactors. 39-43.
- Why the malice of one? 39.
- How did the other know Jesus? 41.
- How could he expect Jesus to come in his kingdom? 42.
- What meant by Paradise? 43, cf. Acts ii. 30, 31; II. Cor. xii. 4; Rev. ii. 7.
- How reconcile this account with Matthew's? Matt. xxvii. 44.
10. Jesus Dies. 44-49.
- Give the whole account of the centurion. 47; Matt. xxvii. 54.
- What the thoughts of the multitude? 48.
- Why his friends afar off? 49.
11. He is Buried. 50-56.
- What kind of councillor? 50, 51.
- In what sense looking for [98] the kingdom?
- Why wish to bury the body?
- Day of what Preparation? 54, cf. xxii. 7.
- Why did the women follow the body?
- Did they at once prepare all the spices? 56, cf. Mark xvi. 1.
xxiv. 1-53.1. The Announcement to the Women. xxiv. 1-12.
- Why only one angel mentioned by Matthew and Mark?
- What kind of dazzling apparel? 4.
- Why had they not remembered the rising on the third day? 6, 7.
- How many women? 10.
- Did Peter believe when he saw the tomb empty? 12.
- Who went with Peter? Jno. xx. 1-3.
2. Jesus Appears to Two on the Way to Emmaus. 13-35.
- In what sense their eyes "holden"? 16.
- Why astonished at his question? 18.
- Did they think Peter went alone to the tomb? 24.
- What opened their eyes? 31.
- What caused their hearts to burn? 32.
- When the appearance to Simon? 34.
- Does xxiv. 34, 35 agree with Mark xvi. 12, 13?
3. He Appears to the Eleven. 36-43.
- Why so terrified? 37, cf. Jno. xx. 19.
- Purpose of the eating?
4. Jesus Instructs the Eleven and Ascends to Heaven. 44-53.
- Divisions of the Old Testament?
- How did he open their mind? 45.
- Where was it written? 46, 47.
- Did they go to Galilee after this interview?
- Does xxiv. 44-49 belong to the same interview as xxiv. 36-43? Cf. 50, 51.
- Was Luke ignorant of the [99] appearances of Jesus in Galilee?
- Why the, "great joy"? 52.
- Where their time now spent? 53, cf. Acts i. 13.
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.
- What the motive of this Gospel, for what people, and what the author's opportunities?
- Describe the announcement of the birth of John. 2.
- How does this illustrate the subject of prayer?
- Describe the announcement to Mary. 3.
- Why did the angel call David the father of Jesus?
- What did Mary immediately do? and why? 4.
- What the circumstances and character of Mary, as indicated by her words of thanksgiving?
- When did Zacharias recover speech, and what the purpose of his dumbness? 5.
- Did John become a priest?
§ II.
- Describe the birth of Jesus. 1.
- Combine Matthew's account with this. Matt. i. 18-25.
- Repeat the words of the angel to the shepherds. 2.
- When was this?
- What resulted from this announcement? 3.
- When was Jesus named, and why called Jesus? 4.
- Repeat Simeon's remarks concerning him? 5.
- Why was Jesus in the temple, and how old was He?
- What testimony did Anna bear?
- Combine the account of his return to Nazareth with Matthew's. 6, Cf. Matt. ii. 19-23.
- Why did Jesus remain [100] in the temple when his parents started home? 7.
- What known of him between his second year and his thirtieth?
§ III.
- State the political changes between the birth of John and the beginning of his ministry. 1.
- What did John require of the people? 2.
- What was first thought of John, and why? 3.
- Causes of John's imprisonment? 4.
- Effect of this on the continuance of his baptism?
- At what age was Jesus baptized? 5.
§ IV.
- How was Joseph son of Heli and son of Jacob? 1.
- What line of ancestry, then, is given in Luke's genealogy?
- How explain the difference between Luke and Matthew as to the order of the temptations of Jesus? 2.
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.
- What caused Jesus to leave Nazareth? 2.
- Account for their unbelief, and their wrath.
- Why Capernaum selected as his home? 3.
- What first astonished his hearers in Capernaum, and why?
- What was his habit in dealing with demons, and why? 4.
- His habit as to place of prayer? 5.
- Describe the call of the four fishermen, and reconcile it with Matthew's account? 6.
- Why order lepers, when healed, to show themselves to a priest? 7.
§ II.
- How did Jesus prove his power to forgive sins? 1.
- What his reasons for not fasting? 2.
- How did he spend the night previous to selecting the twelve? 4.
- Difference between [101] the beatitudes in the Sermon on the plain and in that on the mount? 5.
- Give the close of the former. 5. (5).
§ III.
- How did the greatness of the centurion's faith appear? 1.
- What were his other good traits?
- Combine the accounts of this incident given by Luke and Matthew.
- Describe the raising of the widow's son. 2.
- What suggested John's question, sent from the prison? 3.
- What characteristics of John are pointed out in the remarks of Jesus, and how? 4.
- In what sense did those baptized by John justify God? 5.
- Describe the incident of the sinful woman in the house of the Pharisee. 6.
- Why did Jesus forgive her sins?
§ IV.
- By whom were the wants of Jesus and the twelve chiefly supplied? 1.
- In the parable of the sower, what is the connection of the honest and good heart? 2.
- What cause in common for the failure of the first three?
- What lesson taught by his response to his mother and his brothers? 4.
- Describe the stilling of the tempest. 5.
- What do you learn of demons from the case of the legion? 6.
- Why tell the man dispossessed to publish it, his custom being the reverse?
- Show how the faith of the woman with an issue made her whole. 7.
- Why so private in raising the ruler's daughter? 7.
§ V.
- What the work of the apostles under their first commission? 1.
- Give Herod's thoughts about Jesus. 2; Matt. xiv. 2.
- How did the writers learn Herod's thoughts? See viii. 1-3; Acts xiii. 1. [102]
- Where were the five thousand fed, and what caused them to be there? 3.
- Difference from Matthew in the account of Peter's confession? 4.
- When and where did the transfiguration occur? 5.
- What its chief design?
- What else learned from it?
- Describe the miracle on the day after the transfiguration. 6.
- Describe the rebuke of ambition and jealousy among the twelve. 7.
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.
- Describe the rejection of Jesus by a Samaritan village. 1.
- Explain his answers to three men about following him. 2.
- Whither the seventy sent, and why? 3.
- What their respect, and what remark thereon? 4.
- How had prophets and kings desired to see these things?
§ II.
- What called for the parable of the good Samaritan? 1.
- Who were the lawyers?
- What excuses could the priest and the Levite probably have given?
- What could the Samaritan have given had he followed their example?
- How did the parable answer the lawyer's question?
- What was, "the good part" chosen by Mary? 2.
- Why did the disciples ask for instruction on prayer? 3.
- What the main point in the answer?
- Show the force of the defense against the charge of league with Satan. 4.
- Show how Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites. 6.
- How did Jesus give the sign of Jonah?
- What fault did Jesus find with the Pharisees? 8. [103]
- What, with the lawyers? 9.
- What reasons given for fearing God rather than men? 11.
- Give the parable of the foolish rich man, and show what called it forth? 12.
- What reasons given for not being anxious about necessaries of life? 13.
- In what sense did Jesus send fire and division on the earth? 16.
- What did he mean by, "the signs of the times"? 17.
§ III.
- What lesson taught on providential calamities, and how? 1.
- Bearing of the parable?
- In what sense had Satan bound the afflicted woman? 2.
- State the points in answer to the question, "are they few that be saved"? 3.
- When Jesus was threatened with Herod, what was his answer? 4.
- How did Jesus teach humility at feasts? 6.
- What did he teach about giving feasts? 7.
- Give the parable of the great supper, and its meaning. 8.
- Give his lesson on counting the cost. 9.
- By what parables did Jesus defend himself for receiving sinners? 10.
- Show the bearing of each.
- What use of riches taught by the parable of the unjust steward? 11. (1).
- Why did the Pharisees scoff at this lesson? (2).
- What the main lesson from the rich man and Lazarus? (3).
- What learned from it as to the state of the dead?
- What, as to the meaning of bringing men to repentance?
§ IV.
- What is said about occasions of stumbling? 1.
- Why did the apostles ask an increase of faith?
- State the parable of the plow-men, and its meaning.
- Show that we cannot do works of supererogation.
- Point out the ingratitude of the nine lepers. 2. [104]
- In what sense is the kingdom, "within you"? 3.
- In what respect will the coming of the Son of man be like the days of Noah and of Lot?
- Why does Jesus say, "remember Lot's wife"?
- Give the parable of the unjust judge, and show what it teaches. 4.
- State the case of the Pharisee and the publican. 5.
- Why the difference in the result of their prayers?
- What is it to receive the kingdom as a little child?
- What is the difficulty in saving a rich man? 7.
- Show the agreement between Luke and Matthew about the blind man at Jericho. 9.
- State the case of Zacchæus. 10.
- What prompted his resolve?
- How does he compare with the other rich man?
- Explain the parable of the pounds. 11.
§ V.
- Of what value is the account of the public entry into Jerusalem? 1, 2.
- What prediction did Jesus utter on the occasion? 3.
- Why did he clear the temple? 4.
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.
- When the authority of Jesus was questioned, how did he defend it? 1.
- Explain the parable of the vine-dressers. 2.
- Did the scribes see its bearing?
- Purpose of the spies in the question about tribute? 3.
- How was the point made by the Sadducees met? 4.
- Why did his opponents cease to ask questions?
- Why could not the Pharisees answer his question? 5.
- What the amount of the widow's contribution? 6. [105]
§ II.
- What occasioned the prediction concerning the temple? 1.
- What classes of events were to precede its destruction? 2, 3.
- What the signal for immediate flight? 4.
- How long is Jerusalem to be held by Gentiles?
- Was Jesus come again before the fall of Jerusalem? 5.
- What was to be fulfilled in that generation? 6.
- Where did Jesus lodge during his stay at Jerusalem, and why? 8.
§ III.
- What suggested to Judas his proposal to the chief priests? 1.
- What foreknowledge was shown in the order to prepare the passover? 2.
- When and how was the passover fulfilled in the kingdom? 3. (1).
- Why the names eucharist and sacrament for the Lord's supper?
- Are they proper? (2).
- In what sense do the apostles sit on thrones and judge? (5).
- How did Jesus prepare in advance for Simon's denial? (6).
- What change did Jesus make in the commission of the apostles? (7).
§ IV.
- Describe the agony in the garden. 1.
- Why was the band ready for Judas? 2.
- How long after the arrest till the trial? 3.
- Give the proceedings of the sanhedrim. 5.
- What accusations were brought before Pilate? 6.
- Describe the proceedings before Herod?
- What was Pilate's decision, and on what evidence? 7.
- Quote and explain the words of Jesus to the women of Jerusalem. 8.
- Reconcile Matthew and Luke about the two robbers. 9.
- How could the penitent robber think that Jesus would yet come in his kingdom?
- What meant by Paradise in [106] the answer of Jesus?
- What convinced the centurion at the cross? 10.
- Describe the burial of Jesus. 11.
§ V.
- Describe the visit of the women to the sepulchre. 1.
- How many women?
- What in the story of the two who went to Emmaus made the apostles doubt it? 2.
- Why should we believe it?
- With what feelings did the eleven behold Jesus, and why? 3.
- What points of instruction in the last remarks of Jesus to the eleven? 4.
- Was Luke ignorant of the appearance of Jesus in Galilee?
- Where did the eleven stay between the ascension and the next Pentecost? [107]