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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume III: The Four Gospels
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.
- How does John state the pre-existence and power of Jesus? 1.
- What the relation between Jesus and John?
- What the asserted right of believers?
- Explain the remarks about being born of God?
- State the points of John's testimony for Jesus? 2, 3, 4, 5.
- When was this testimony given? 5.
- Meaning of the distinction between Moses and Jesus? 2.
- Force of the question, "Why then baptizest thou," etc.? 3.
- Describe the gaining of five disciples by Jesus. 5, 6.
- When and why was Simon first called Peter? 5.
- Why was Nathanael so easily convinced?
§ II.
- Describe the first visit of Jesus to Galilee after his baptism. 1.
- Probable purpose of the short visit to Capernaum?
- What was the next journey of Jesus? 2.
- What the principal incidents of this visit to Jerusalem? 2, 3, 4.
- After the miracle in Cana, where were his next miracles? 3.
- When he said to his mother that his time had not come, what time did he mean? 1, 3.
- What the effect of his miracles in Jerusalem? 4.
- What is it to be born of water and the Spirit?
- Give the correct rendering and meaning of iii. 8.
- Did Nicodemus at last misunderstand, or did he disbelieve?
- Whose words are iii. 16-21?
- Describe the place called Ænon. 6.
- Quote John's remarks made here about Jesus.
- Whose remarks in iii. 31-36?
- Meaning of the remark about a seal? [129]
- Connection of faith and obedience? iii. 36.
§ III.
- Why and when did Jesus leave the Jordan and return to Galilee? 1.
- Repeat the conversation with the Samaritan woman. 2.
- Account for the changes of subject.
- Describe the mountain referred to.
- What is it to worship in spirit and truth?
- Repeat the conversation after the woman's departure. 3.
- What was the time of year?
- What was the effect in Sychar? 4.
- How was Jesus received in Galilee, and why?
- Describe the second miracle at Cana. 5.
- What the historical connection of this Part of John with the other narratives?
- What John's purpose in so completely avoiding those narratives?
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.- How long did Jesus stay in Galilee before his return to Jerusalem? 1, cf. § III. 1, 2.
- What is John's main purpose in mentioning the miracle at the pool? 1, cf. 2.
- What was the defense of Jesus for this healing on the sabbath? 2.
- His meaning?
- Give all of his arguments on the same subject.
- What powers did Jesus then claim? 3.
- What led him to make these assertions? Cf. 2.
- What evidence did he give to prove his assertions? 4.
- What two causes of Jewish unbelief did he point out? 5.
- How was it true that they did not believe Moses?
- What evidence here that Moses wrote the Pentateuch?
§ II.
- What change of place since the last section, and what [130] interval is passed in silence? 1, cf. § I.
- Why now give an incident common to the other Gospels? Cf. 3, 8.
- What prompted the effort to make Jesus a king? 2.
- Where did some of the five thousand stay all night? 3.
- Meaning of the remark about loaves and fishes?
- In what sense is believing a work of God? 4.
- Can any given to Jesus be lost?
- How does God draw men to Christ? 5.
- Why no explanation of the remark about eating his body, etc.? 6, 7, 8.
- Meaning of the remark about spirit and life? 7.
- Force of Peter's answer about going away? 8.
§ III.
- What interval between chapters vi and vii? vii. 2, cf. vi. 4.
- Real cause of the world's hatred of Jesus?
- On arriving at the feast what did he do, and what was thought of it? 2.
- What new defense for healing on the sabbath?
- What divisions arose among the people, and what confusion among his enemies? 3.
- What speech is quoted on the last day of the feast? 4.
- Give John's comment on it.
- What confusion occurred in the council? 5.
- What of the genuineness of the paragraph 6?
- If the passage is authentic, what the design of the Pharisees, and what that of Jesus?
- With what statements did Jesus open the five paragraphs which followed? 7-11.
- How did he support the first one? 7.
- What taught as to those who die in sin? 8.
- How did he prove his enemies to be children of the devil? 9.
- What remarkable in his challenge to convict him of sin? 10.
- What argument did he draw from their inability? [131]
- In what sense shall believers never see death? 11.
- Why call Jesus a Samaritan?
- Explain the question about the man born blind. 12.
- Show that modern scientists could not test the miracle on the blind man better than the Pharisees did. 13.
- Trace the character of that man. 12, 13, 14.
- State and explain the parable of the sheep. 15.
- Point out the contrast between the true shepherd and the hireling. 16.
- How can Jesus be the shepherd, and also the door? 16.
- In what sense did no one take his life? 16.
- What division among his hearers at the close of this speech? 17.
§ IV.
- What was the feast of dedication? 1.
- What interval between this section and the last? Cf. § III. 1.
- What was said at this time about stoning Jesus? 2.
- To what place does Jesus next retire? 3.
- What called Jesus back to Bethany? 4.
- Why did he not come more promptly?
- What did his disciples think would be the consequences of his return?
- Describe the interview with Martha and Mary, and the raising of Lazarus. 5.
- State the immediate effects of this miracle. 6.
- What was the ground of fear with his enemies?
- Whither did he then go, and how long did he stay? 7.
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.
- Give the account of the anointing at Bethany. 1.
- Was this the same incident mentioned in Matthew xxvi. 6-13.
- Reconcile the statements as to who made the complaint.
- What plot was [132] formed against Lazarus, and why?
- What was the chief cause of the public welcome extended to Jesus? 3.
- What request was made by certain Greeks, and how was it treated? 4.
- Repeat and explain the soliloquy uttered by Jesus. 5.
- In what sense was Jesus to draw all men to himself? 6.
- Repeat John's comments on the unbelief of the Jews. 7.
§ II.
- Meaning of the remark, "If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me"? 1.
- Why, if bathed, did they need only their feet washed?
- To what extent is this washing of feet a precedent for us? 2.
- In what sense did Satan enter Judas at the supper? 3.
- What did Jesus prescribe as the test of true discipleship? 4.
- What meant by the house, the mansions, and the place, in the promise of Jesus? 5.
- How is he the way, the truth and the life?
- In what sense was seeing Jesus seeing the Father? 6.
- In what sense were the believers to do greater works than his?
- Meaning of Comforter as applied to the Holy Spirit? 7.
- Why cannot the world receive him?
- What two things was the Spirit to do? 8.
§ III.
- Explain the parable of the vine. 1.
- In what sense did the disciples not choose Jesus, but he them? 2.
- What did Jesus say of the sufficiency of the evidence furnished by his works? 3.
- What other work of the Spirit mentioned in this connection?
- What persecution did Jesus now predict, and why? 4.
- State and explain the work of the Spirit as respects the world.
- The same as respects the disciples.
- State all the work of the Spirit mentioned [133] in this discourse. Cf. § II. 7, 8; § III. 3.
- What change did Jesus now appoint in the prayers of his disciples? 5.
- Repeat the prayer of Jesus for himself? 7. (1).
- How did he glorify God on earth, and how can we?
- Repeat his prayer for the twelve.
- What, his petitions for them?
- Repeat his prayer for other disciples.
- Why say, "through their word"? xvii. 20.
- What, his petitions for these?
- Why unity necessary to belief of the world?
§ IV.
- How did Judas know where to find Jesus? 1.
- Why did he want such a band?
- Why did some of them fall to the ground?
- Why take him to Annas first?
- How did Peter happen to be in the court? 2.
- What led to his first denial?
- How was John affected by Peter's denial?
- What was the first ill treatment of Jesus after his arrest? 3.
- Did Annas send him to Caiaphas before Peter's denial, or after? 3, cf.Matt. xxvi. 57-59.
- Was Caiaphas in the same building, or a different one?
- On what ground did the Jews first ask for a sentence from Pilate? 5. (1).
- Repeat the first conversation between Pilate and Jesus. (2).
- Meaning of, "What is truth"?
- Why did Pilate hold Jesus innocent, though claiming to be king? (3), cf. (2).
- Why did he say to the Jews, "Take him yourselves, and crucify him"? (4).
- When did the priests make their real charge, and what was it?
- What did Pilate do when he heard this charge? (5).
- What was the last plea of the Jews, and why did it prevail?
- In what sense was this day the Preparation of the passover?
- How could it be about the sixth hour? [134]
§ V.
[CNSH3 108-135]- By whom was the cross of Jesus borne to Golgotha? 1.
- In what form was the inscription written, and what was said about it?
- How the variation in the form of the inscription accounted for? 19, cf. Luke xxiii. 38; Mark xv. 26; Matt. xxvii. 37.
- Why did Jesus commit his mother to John? 2.
- Describe the last sufferings. 3.
- Describe the removal of the bodies. 4, 5.
- What was done with the bodies of the robbers?
- What claim had Joseph on the sepulchre and the garden? See Matt. xxvii. 60.
- Describe the visits, of Mary, John and Peter, to the tomb. 6.
- Describe the interview of Jesus with Mary. 7.
- Why did Mary think that the gardener would give up the body?
- Describe the first appearance of Jesus to the eleven. 8.
- Did they then receive the Holy Spirit?
- In what way did they forgive and retain sins?
- Describe the second interview with the eleven. 9.
- What was the ground of Thomas' demand?
- For what purpose did John write his narrative? 10.
- Inference as to the other Gospels?
- Describe the appearance of Jesus to seven at the lake. 11.
- What was their purpose in going a fishing?
- Repeat the conversation with Peter. 12.
- What the comparison in the first question?
- What the duty enjoined on Peter?
- With what is it contrasted, and what the motive appealed to?
- What, the fulfilment of the remark about John?
- Repeat the concluding paragraph. 13.
- Who the "we" in xxi. 24?
- Does this narrative claim to be a complete biography? [135]