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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume I: The Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Ruth and
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Part First. A General History from Adam to Abraham. Gen. 1:1-11:9.
Gen. 1-xi. 9.
§ I. AN ACCOUNT OF CREATION. i. 1-ii. 7.
1. The Beginning. i. 1, 2.
- In what beginning? 1.
- What is included in the expression "the heavens and the earth"? 1.
- Define the condition of the earth as stated in verse 2.
- What could have caused the darkness?
- Had this state continued from the beginning?
- What is meant by the remark concerning the spirit of God?
- What is added to this account in the Gospel of John? Jno. i. 1-3, 13.
2. The Darkness Terminated. 3-5.
- Let light be where? 3, cf. 2.
- Why and how was some darkness left and separated from the light? 4.
- What kind of a day? 5. [1]
3. A Firmament Made. 6-8.
- What the firmament, and what waters?
- Why called a firmament?
- What difference between the word "heaven" here and in verse 1?
4. Dry Land, Seas, and Vegetation. 9-13.
- By what natural force could the dry land be made to appear? 9.
- By what force did the earth bring forth vegetation?
- When were all these names given? 5, 8, 10.
5. The Heavenly Bodies Made To Give Light and To Serve as Signs. 14-19.
- How do these lights divide day from night? 14.
- How are they signs of seasons, days and years? 14.
- How is this account reconciled with the account of "the beginning," and of the first day? 1, 3.
6. Fishes and Fowls Created. 20-23.
- How could the waters bring forth living creatures? 20, 21.
- Why say, "abundantly"?
- Whence were the fowls made? ii. 19.
7. Creation of Land Animals and Man. 24-28.
- Why say, "Let us" and "our image"? 26.
- In what sense did the man bear the image of God?
- What dominion? and why given? 28.
8. Food for Man and Beast. 29-31.
- Was animal food now given? Cf. ix. 3.
- What of carnivorous animals?
- What formula did God employ in making things? 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26.
- What remark concerning everything made? and why? 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31.
9. Origin of the Sabbath. ii. 1-3.
- When was it blessed and hallowed?
- In what sense did God rest? 3.
- What division of time made by the sabbath?
- Could this division, or this rest day, have originated with men?
10. Other Details of Creation. 4-7.
- Meaning of "generations" in 4?
- Of "day"?
- What the reference in the term "these"?
- Time referred to in 5 and 6? Cf. 4.
- Define the process of making man. 7.
- What change in the title of God at verse 4? Cf. margin.
- What was created, and what only changed in the six days?
- Could there have been a period of light and vegetation and animal life between "the beginning" and the first of these days?
- Whence the writer's knowledge of creation?
§ II. THE PRIMEVAL STATE OF MAN AND HIS FALL. ii. 8-iii. 24. 1. A Home Provided for Man. ii. 8-14.
- Can the country called Eden be identified now?
- Can the rivers Pishon and Gihon?
- Where are the Tigris and the Euphrates?
2. Man's Privilege and Duty in the Garden. 15-17.
- What labor required, and why any?
- Why was the restriction imposed?
3. The Process of Forming the Woman. 18-25.
- Meaning of "help meet"? 18.
- How could the man speak? and how could he select names? 19.
- Why the peculiar way of forming the woman? I. Cor. xi. 7-12.
- How did the man know from whence she was? 23.
- When was this? i. 27.
- Whose words verse 24? Cf. Matt. xix. 4, 5.
- Did Jesus regard this account as real history? ib.
- What was the primeval state of man, physical, mental, and spiritual? i. 26, 31; ii. 15, 17, 20, 23.
4. The Pair Are Tempted into Sin. iii. 1-7.
- Trace the process of the temptation. 1, 4, 5, 6.
- Does it differ from the process with us?
- How was the man induced to partake? Cf. I. Tim. ii. 14.
- Was the temptation a weak one in either case?
- Was it the first temptation?
5. The Parties Arraigned and Sentenced. 8-21.
- What the immediate effects of the sin? 7, 8, 10.
- In what condition were the souls of the pair? Cf. Rom. viii. 6, 7.
- What the previous condition of the serpent? 14, 15, 1.
- Were there snakes before this? i. 25.
- Was any other being connected in this action with the serpent? Jno. viii. 44; Rev. xii. 7-9.
- Why not mentioned in Genesis?
- Why was the serpent degraded?
- When was the woman made subject to the man? 16.
- Were there no thorns and thistles before? 18.
- When called Eve? 20.
- Whence the skins for the coats? 21.
- What the part of God in making the coats?
6. The Pair Expelled from the Garden. 22-24. [4]
- What was it to know good and evil? 23.
- Why say, "as one of us"?
- How could eating of the tree of life cause them to live for ever?
- What is meant by cherubim? 24.
- Meaning of "flame of the sword"? Heb. i. 7.
- How long did this continue?
- What caused the physical death of the man?
- Difference between the title of God in this section and the first?
§ III. THREE SONS OF ADAM AND THEIR POSTERITY. iv. 1-v. 32. 1. Cain and Abel. iv. 1-8.
- How long their births after the expulsion from the garden?
- When did they begin to follow exclusive occupations? 2.
- When did they begin to offer sacrifices independently of their father? 3, 4.
- How did sacrifice originate?
- Why was Cain's offering not respected? 5. Cf. 7; Heb. xi. 4; ix. 22.
- What the immediate cause of the killing? 8.
2. Sentence Pronounced on Cain. 9-15.
- What was the cry of Abel's blood? 10; Cf. Heb xii. 24.
- What the elements of suffering in Cain's punishment? 13, 14.
- Why did he care for being hid from the face of God? 14.
- What men were in the world for him to fear? See the indications of time in 2, 3, 25.
- Why was this first murderer spared and protected? 15.
3. Cain's Later Home and Some of His Noted Descendants. 16-24.
- How "from the presence of the Lord"? 16.
- Where was [5] Nod, and why and when so called? 16.
- Who his wife?
- Why mention Enoch?
- How could Cain populate a city? Ge iv. 17.
- Why not continue tilling the ground? Cf. 2, 12.
- Was Lamech the first polygamist? 19.
- What were the dwellings in use before Jabal? 20.
- Whence Jubal's conception of instruments of music? 21.
- What implements used before the days of Tubal-cain? 22.
- What learned from Lamech's speech to his wives? 23, 24.
- Was Lamech a poet?
- How many new things originated in his family?
- Why is he mentioned and his ancestry given?
4. Birth of Seth and Days of Enosh. 25, 26.
- How old was Adam at the birth of Seth? v. 3.
- Was Seth the third son? Cf. v. 4.
- How long before his birth was the death of Abel?
- Meaning of, "call upon the name of the Lord"? 26.
- When was this? v. 3, 6, 10.
5. The Book of the Generations of Adam. v. 1-32.
- Why is this document called a book?
- Whose family register was it, and when was it made out? 32.
- How many years does it include?
- Who the oldest man, and who the youngest in the list?
- What is said of Enoch? 24. Cf. Heb xi. 5, 6.
- How far backward and forward did Methuselah's acquaintance extend? [It lapped on Adam's life three hundred and forty-three years.]
- Do the figures in this list allow the supposition that any names were omitted?
- How do the figures in it compare with those of the Septuagint Version?
- Was there a natural cause for great longevity? [6]
1. The Corruption of Men and the Decree of God. vi. 1-8.
- Distinction between sons of God and daughters of men? 2.
- Connection of their intermarriage with the corruption of men?
- How had God's spirit striven with men? 3, cf. Jude 14, 15; II. Pet. ii. 5; I. Pet. iii. 18-20.
- Connection of the hundred and twenty years? 3, cf. 13.
- Who were the Nephilim, and why mentioned here? 4, cf. Num. xiii. 33.
- How is the intensity of man's wickedness at the time indicated? 5.
- In what sense did it repent the Lord, and grieve him? 6, 7.
2. "The Generations of Noah." 9-12.
- How is the word generations used here?
- In what sense was Noah perfect? 9.
- What additional statement of the earth's corruption? 11, cf. 5.
3. God Directs Noah To Make an Ark. 13-22.
- What is gopher wood? 14.
- Why make rooms in it? 14.
- Its dimensions in feet? 15. [A cubit is eighteen inches.]
- How does it compare in size with the largest vessels now afloat?
- How had Noah and the men he employed become skilled in ship-building?
- Who bore the expense?
- Was the ark large enough to hold all the animals and their food? 20, 21.
4. A New Order Concerning the Beasts. vii. 1-5.
- What were clean beasts and birds, and why so many of [7] these? 2, 3, cf. viii. 20.
- How reconcile verses 2, 5 with 8, 9?
5. Entering into the Ark and Beginning of the Flood? 6-16.
- Why go in before the rain began? 7, 10.
- How get the animals?
- Why is the account of the entering repeated? 13-15.
- How is the beginning of the flood dated? 6, 11.
- Whence came the waters? 11.
- Age of the race when the flood began? 11, cf. chapter v.
6. Extent and Effect of the Flood. 17-24.
- Where was the ark built? 17.
- Does the writer mean by "all the high mountains that were under the whole heaven," what we now mean by the same words?
- Reference of the fifteen cubits? 20.
- Meaning of, "prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days"? 24, cf. viii. 3.
7. Subsidence of the Waters. viii. 1-14.
- What appeared to make the waters subside? 1.
- What was the real cause of it?
- How could the ark sail in the wind?
- How long from the beginning till the ark rested? 4, cf. vii. 11.
- How long this after the waters began to subside? Cf. 3.
- How long from the beginning till the mountain tops were seen? 5, cf. vii. 11.
- Till the raven was sent out? 6.
- Till the dove was sent out the third time? 10, 12.
- Till the face of the ground was dried? 13, cf. vii. 11.
- On what did the raven feed? 7.
- Why did the dove find no rest for the sole of her foot? 9.
8. The Departure from the Ark. 15-22. [8]
- How long the departure after the waters were gone? 14, 15, cf. 13.
- Why the delay?
- Whole time in the ark? 14, 15, cf. vii. 10, 11.
- Design of the burnt offerings? 20.
- Why the words "smelled the sweet savour," and "said in his heart"? 21.
- Had the succession of seasons been interrupted? 22.
§ V. FURTHER HISTORY OF NOAH. ix. 1-29. 1. A Law Concerning Animal Food and Blood. ix. 1-7.
- Is the eating of blood still prohibited? 4, cf. Acts xv. 20.
- Is it still a duty to slay a murderer?
- Who is here made the executioner?
2. God Makes a Covenant with Noah. 8-17.
- What need for such a covenant?
- Why say, "that I may remember," etc.? 16.
- Was this the origin of the rainbow?
3. Noah Predicts the Future of His Sons. 18-29.
- Did he know the effect of the wine? Cf. Matt. xxiv. 37, 38.
- Was there a law against intoxication?
- What feeling was displayed by Shem and Japheth? 23.
- Explain what is said of Canaan. 25.
- Who was he? 22.
- Was this curse a penalty for Ham's act?
- Did the speech cause Ham any pain?
- Meaning of the speech about Shem? and that about Japheth? 26, 27.
- What facts in history correspond to these predictions? [9]
1. Those of Japheth. x. 1-5.
- How many sons? 2.
- Why so few grandsons named? 3, 4.
- Where did they finally settle? 5.
- Where are these isles?
- When the isles were filled, into what countries did the surplus pass?
2. The Sons of Ham. 6-20.
- How many sons? 4, 6.
- Of which of these is the further posterity given? 7, 13, 15.
- Why not those of Put?
- Describe the career of Nimrod. 8-12.
- Where was the land of Shinar, and where Assyria? 10, 11.
- When this book was written which was the greatest of these cities? 12.
- From whom were the Philistines descended? [Mizraim.]
- Where did the descendants of Canaan settle? 19.
- What countries, then, were the first homes of the Hamites? 10, 11, 19.
3. The Sons of Shem. 21-32.
- Why the expression "children of Eber"? 21.
- How many sons? 5, 22.
- Of which of these is the prosperity traced? 23, 24.
- Where did the Shemites settle? 30.
- What is meant by "the east"?
- What dividing of the earth in the days of Peleg? 26, cf. xi. 8, 9.
4. The Confusion of Tongues. xi. 1-9.
- Had the ark rested eastward or westward from Shinar? 2.
- Why the substitution of bricks for stones? 3.
- Purpose of the [10] city and tower? 4.
- What was wrong with it?
- Why say, "the Lord came down to see"? 5.
- Why prevent their attempt? 6.
- Is this account of the city of Babel consistent with that in x. 9, 10?
- What caused Nimrod to leave Babel and go to Assyria? 9, cf.x. 10, 11.
- How long the confusion of tongues after the flood? x. 25, cf. xi. 10-16. [2 + 35 + 30 + 34 = 101. 101 + 239 = 340 years.]
- Was the race then very numerous?
- Was Noah still living? ix. 28.