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Class Notes on Sacred History
Volume I: The Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Ruth and
J. W. McGarvey (1893)
Table of Contents
- Part Second: The March to Mount Sinai, and the First Legislation. Ex. 15:22-24:18.
- Part Third: Directions for Constructing the Tent of Meeting. Ex. 25:1-36:35.
- Part Fourth: Construction of the Tent of Meeting. Ex. 35:1-40:38.
- Review: Part First.
- Review: Part Second.
- Review: Part Third.
- Review: Part Fourth.
xv. 22-xxiv. 18.
- Into what region was Israel led on crossing the sea?
- Give the position and dimensions of this peninsula.
- What is the character of its surface?
- What its highest mountain?
- Its water supply?
- Its products?
- Its population?
- Give an account of the Convent of St. Catherine. See for these questions, Lands of the Bible, 444-445, and any good map.
§ I. INCIDENTS ON THE MARCH. xv. 22-xviii. 27. 1. Trouble about Water. xv. 22-26.
- Describe the wilderness of Shur. 22. Lands of the Bible, 445.
- What water was used on the way to Marah? ib. 441.
- Distance, and present condition of Marah? ib. 441, 446.
- What statute and what proving? 25, 26.
- Was this a guarantee against all diseases? [58]
2. The Camp at Elim. 27.
- The distance from Marah? Lands of the Bible, 446.
- Describe the place. ib.
- Why mention the palm trees?
3. In the Wilderness of Sin the People Murmur for Bread. xvi. 1-12.
- Where this wilderness? and how was it reached from Elim? 1, cf. Lands of the Bible, 446.
- How long had their bread lasted? 1, cf. xii. 6, 12.
- Meaning of "rain bread from heaven"? 4.
- Significance of the glory in the cloud? 10.
- Why had God led them into such a region? Deut. viii. 3.
4. Quails and Manna Given. 13-21.
- Whence the quails? 13.
- Appearance, taste and mode of preparing the manna? 14, 31, 23; Num. xi. 8.
- Why the even measure and what caused it? 18.
- Capacity of the omer? [Three and a third quarts].
- Why did some keep it over night? 20.
- Had it any of the properties of the drug now called manna?
5. The Sabbath Supply. 22-31.
- What caused them to gather twice as much? 22, cf. 17, 18.
- Why did some go out to gather? 27.
- Why call it manna? 31.
- Had they kept the Sabbath before? 23.
- Bearing of Friday's double supply on Sabbath observance?
6. A Memorial Laid Up. 32-36.
- Why wish their descendants to see it? 32.
- Where was it kept? 33, 34, cf. xxv. 21,22 xxxi. 18.
- When, then, was it placed there?
- How long was it preserved? I. Ki. viii. 9.
- When was the [59] last of this paragraph written? 35. Capacity of the ephah? 36, cf. note on 18.
- Why the statement of its capacity here made? 36.
7. Water Supplied at Rephidim. xvii. 1-7.
- Where was Rephidim? 1, 6, cf. Num. xxxiii. 15.
- How did the people reach this point from the sea-shore? Lands of the Bible, 447.
- In what sense did they "tempt" the Lord? 2, 7.
- Purpose of taking the elders? 5.
- Meaning of the names? 7.
- Quote and explain Paul's comment. I. Cor. x. 1-4.
8. An Attack by Amalek. 8-16.
- Who was Amalek? Gen. xiv. 7; Ex. xxxvi. 12.
- Why the attack?
- Why was Joshua placed in command? 9.
- Significance of holding up the hands? 9, 11.
- Who was Hur? 10; xxxi. 2, 3.
- In what book was it written? 14.
- Was the remembrance of Amalek blotted out?
- Was it to be done soon? 16.
- Why the altar? and why its name? 15.
9. Jethro Visits the Camp. xviii. 1-12.
- Was he father in law or brother in law? Cf. ii. 18.
- Why did he come? 1, 2.
- When had Moses sent away his wife? 3.
- His conclusion from the miracles in Egypt? 11.
- Was he a priest of the true God? 12.
10. Jethro Gives Advice to Moses. 13-27.
- What statutes and law did God then have? 16.
- On what condition the advice proposed? 23.
- What qualifications for office were proposed? and why? 21.
- Efficiency of this organization? [60]
1. The Covenant Made. xix. 1-9.
- Time since leaving Egypt? 1.
- How "on eagles' wings"? 4.
- What the terms of the covenant? 5-8.
- Why did the elders speak for all? 7.
- How could they make this promise not knowing what the Laws would be?
2. Preparation To Meet God. 10-15.
- Whence the water for washing? 10, cf. Deut. ix. 21.
- Describe mount Sinai. Lands of the Bible, 447.
- How could they know when they touched the border of it? 12.
- Design of this prohibition? 12, 13.
3. The Lord Appears on the Mount. 16-25.
- Why the trembling? 16.
- Was the camp close to the mount? 17.
- State the appearances on the mountain top in chronological order. 16, 18.
- What was the view below? 17.
- Why was Moses called up? 20, 21.
- What his feelings while there? See Heb. xii. 21.
4. God Speaks the Ten Commandments. xx. 1-17.
- Why the prefatory remark? 2.
- Distinction between the first and second commandment?
- Is the second violated by bowing before crucifixes, and images of the saints?
- In what sense is God "a jealous God"? 5.
- How does he visit the iniquities of fathers on their children? 5, cf. Deut. xxiv. 16.
- Explain the third commandment. 7.
- Did the fourth commandment prohibit works of religion, or of mercy? See Matt. xii. 1-13.
- In [61] what sense did God make all things in six days? 11, cf. Gen. i. 3-27.
- What included in honoring father and mother, besides obedience? 12. See Matt. xv. 5, 6.
- Meaning of the clause, "that thy days may be long," etc.?
- Why the ninth commandment so limited in its terms? 16.
- What is the meaning of covet? 17.
- What practices of modern times come under this prohibition? Cf. Naboth.
5. The People Terrified. 18-21.
- When did they "stand afar off"? 18, cf. xix. 17.
- Why did they fear death, if God should speak again? 19.
- What addition to this account given in Deuteronomy? Deut. v. 22, 23.
- What was the purpose of these terrifying displays? 20, cf. xx. 18, 19.
§ III. A GROUP OF LAWS. xx. 22-xxiii. 33.
- Considered under "The Law of Moses."
INTO THE MOUNT. xxiv. 1-18.1. The Call into the Mount. xxiv. 1, 2.
- Where was Moses at this time? See xxiv. 3, cf. xx. 21.
2. The Statutes Reported, Accepted, Written and Ratified. 3-8.
- Did the book contain the Ten Commandments? Cf. xxiv. 12.
- Why called "the book of the covenant"? 8, cf. 3; xix. 3-8.
- Significance of the altar and the pillar? 4.
- Why the offerings made by young men? 5.
- Meaning of "blood of the covenant"? 8.
3. The Call Obeyed and a Vision Granted. 9-18.
- In what sense did they see God? 10.
- What did they eat and [62] drink? 11, cf. 5.
- How did this appearance of God teach a new lesson? 10, 11, cf. xx. 18, 19.
- In what sense did Moses now go up into the mount? 13, cf. ix. 1, 2.
- Who was left in charge below? 14.
- References of the six days and the seventh? 16.
xxv. 1-xxxvi. 35.
1. Materials To Be Solicited. xxv. 1-9.
- Whence these articles obtained?
- Why ask for a voluntary offering? 2.
2. The Ark and the Mercy-seat Described. 10-22.
- What the purpose of each? 16, 21, 22.
- What was "the testimony," and why so called? 16, cf. 12; xxiv. .
3. The Table of Shewbread Described. 23-30.
- What is meant by shewbread? 30.
- What use for dishes, spoons, flagons and bowls? 29, cf. Lev. xxiv. 5-9; Ex. xxix. 40, et al.
4. The Candlestick Described. 31-40.
- Was it for candles? or lamps? 37.
- Its weight in pounds? 39. Its exact shape is learned from the arch of Titus in Rome. See Lands of the Bible, 412. [63]
1. The Linen Curtains. xxvi. 1-6.
- Why the three colors? 1.
- How the five curtains coupled together? 3.
- When the large sections were looped together, what were the dimensions of the whole? 2, 3.
2. The Goats' Hair Tent. 7-13.
- What the dimensions of the whole? 8, 9.
- When stretched over the linen curtain, what was its surplus on every side? 12, 13, cf. 2, 3.
3. The Leather Covering. 14.
- Were the rams' skins dressed?
- What kind of seal-skins?
- What the purpose and the extent of these coverings?
- How was the tent roof held in place? See xxvii. 19; xxxv. 18.
- Why no mention of a ridge pole?
4. The Walls of the Structure. 15-30.
- Purpose of the sockets?
- Where were trees found to make the boards, and how large must they have been?
- Are Acacia trees found now in that peninsula?
- Dimensions of the whole structure? 16, 18, 22-25.
5. The Veil and the Door-hanging. 31-37.
- What need for the golden hooks? 32.
- Where were the pillars of the veil set up? 33, cf. 5, 6.
- Relative dimensions of the holy and most holy places?
- How did the priests get into the structure? 36, 37.
- Positions of the holy furniture? 33-35. [64]
1. The Brazen Altar. xxvii. 1-8.
- What the horns of the altar? 2, cf. 8.
- Was any use made of them? See Ps. cxvii. 27.
- What the ledge? and for what use? 5, cf. Lev. ix. 22.
- Why the grating beneath it? 4, 5.
- How could this altar accord with the law in xx. 24, 25?
- Why was the wood overlaid with brass? 6.
2. The Court-hanging. 9-19.
- What is a court?
- Why have sockets for the pillars? 10.
- What were the hooks and "fillets"? 10.
- How were the top of the pillars held in place? 17, 19.
- What was the purpose of this inclosure?
3. Oil for the Golden Lamp. 20, 21.
- Why beaten oil preferred? 20.
- Why the lamp to burn continually? 20.
1. The Altar of Incense. xxx. 1-10.
- How often was incense to be burned on it? 7, 8.
- What is meant by "strange incense"? 9, cf. 34-38.
- On what occasion was this altar to be touched with blood? 10, cf. Lev. xxiii. 27; xvi. 16, 17. [65]
2. The Atonement Money. 11-16.
- In what way was the money a ransom, or atonement, for their souls? 12, 15, cf. 16.
- Why state the number of gerahs in a shekel? 13.
- Meaning of "shekel of the sanctuary"? 13.
- Value of each in American coin?
3. The Laver. 17-21.
- Whence the metal? xxxviii. 8.
- What other use for the water? xxix. 4; Lev. i. 9, 13; et al.
4. The Anointing Oil. 22-33.
- Why so much at once?
5. The Holy Incense. 34-38.
- In what vessels was it kept? 36, cf. xxv. 29.
6. The Workmen Appointed. xxxi. 1-11.
- What Hur was this? 2, cf. xvii. 12; xxiv. 4; Josephus, Antiquities, III. iv. 4; vi. 1.
- In what sense were they filled with the spirit? and why this needed? 3, 6.
7. The Sabbath Law Repeated. 12-17.
- What added? 14.
- Why the repetition at this particular time?
8. Two Tables of Stone Given to Moses. 18.
- What was written on them? and how? xxiv. 12; xxxii. 15, 16: Deut. iv. 13.
§ VII. THE SIN OF THE GOLDEN CALF. xxxii. 1-xxxiii. 23. 1. The Calf Made and Worshiped. xxxii. 1-6.
- What god did the calf represent? xxxii. 1, 4.
- Why adopt the [66] form of a calf?
- Why use ear-rings rather than coin? 2.
- What eating, drinking, and playing? 6, cf. 19.
2. God Proposes to Destroy the People. 7-14.
- Why the proposal made?
- On what grounds did Moses plead? 11-13.
3. The Calf Destroyed, and the People Punished. 15-29.
- Why could they hear and not see? 18, 19, cf. Lands of the Bible, 449.
- Why cast down the tables of stone? 19.
- How could he grind the gold to powder? 20: Deut. ix. 20.
- Why this procedure?
- Why the slaughter? 27-29.
- Did this precede or follow the destruction of the calf?
4. Moses Pleads for the People. 30-35.
- Why this plea called an atonement? 30.
- What the book to which reference is made? 32, cf. Rev. v. 1; xx. 12.
- Import of the remark about the angel going before them? 34.
- Meaning of, "they made the calf which Aaron made"? 35.
- Aaron's sin? Deut. ix. 20.
5. The Order To Go Without God Repeated. xxxiii. 1-6.
- Meaning of the remark about consuming them? 3, 4.
- Why strip off their ornaments? 4, 6.
6. Moses in the Tent of Meeting. 7-11.
- What tent was this? 1, cf. 7, 11.
- Why pitch it outside the camp? 7, cf. 3.
- Was this act of the people habitual? 8-10.
- How long did this method of meeting with God continue?
7. Moses Prevails with God. 12-16. [67]
- Meaning of, "whom thou wilt send with me"? 12.
- Meaning of, "I know thee by name"? 12.
- Force of the argument in 16?
8. A Request To See God's Glory. 17-23.
- What the distinction drawn in 19, 20?
- Why can no man see God and live? 20.
- What the distinction in 23.
- What prompted the request of Moses?
§ VIII. MOSES IN THE MOUNT AGAIN. xxxiv. 1-35. 1. New Tables Prepared, and the Name of the Lord Proclaimed. xxxiv. 1-8.
- Why no one with Moses at this time? 3, cf. xxxiii. 11.
- What attributes of God were proclaimed? and why? 6, 7.
- Why were these "the name of the Lord" (Jehovah) and his glory? 5; xxxiii. 18.
2. Moses Prays again, and Some Laws Are Repeated. 9-28.
- In what sense were the words spoken a covenant? 10, 27.
- Did Moses write as commanded? 27.
- Who rewrote the decalogue? 28, cf. 1.
- The whole time spent in the mount? 28; xxiv. 18.
- Why make no terms with the Canaanites? 12, 16, cf. xxiii. 32, 33: Deut. vii. 1-11.
- Influence of women in behalf of idolatry? 16, cf. I. Ki. xi. 1-13: Gen. vi. 1, 2.
3. The Second Return of Moses. 29-35.
- Cause of the shining? 29.
- Why afraid of him? 30.
- Why the veil when done speaking? 33.
- Paul's comment. II. Cor. iii. 7, 8. [68]
xxxv. 1-xl. 38.
§ I. THE MATERIALS COLLECTED. xxxv. 1-xxxvi. 7.
- Why the Sabbath law repeated? xxxv. 1-3, cf. xxxi. 12-17.
- How the liberality accounted for? xxxvi. 4-7.
- How much gold was used? xxxviii. 24.
- How many pounds?
[29 t. = 29 x 94 = 2726 lbs. 730 s. = 730 divided by 2 = 365 oz. divided by 16 = nearly 23 lbs. 2749 lbs.] - How much silver? and from how many persons? 25, 26.
- How many pounds?
[100 t. = 9400 lbs. 1775 s. = 887 oz. = 74 lbs. 9474 lbs.] - How much silver in a socket? [A talent]. [69]
§ V. THE TABERNACLE IS SET UP. xxxix. 32-xl. 38.
- On what day was it set up? xl. 2, 17.
- In what order were the parts put in place? 18-33.
- What occurred when all was arranged? 34-38.
- Significance of this?
- How long had the people now been at Mt. Sinai? 17, cf. xix. 1.
DESIGN OF THE TABERNACLE. 1. A "Tent of Meeting," i. e., of Meeting with God. xl. 1, 2.
- The priests met God within; the people in front of the Court.
2. "A Shadow of the Good Things to Come." Heb. x. 1.
- Distinction between "shadow" and "image"? This not seen till revealed through apostles; symbolic meaning supposed, but misconstrued. See Josephus, Antiquities, III. vii. 7.
(1.) The inner sanctuary a shadow of heaven. Heb. ix. 6, 7, 11, 12, 23, 24.
Points of analogy:a. Each entered only through blood.
(2.) The veil, sign of imperfection of the first sanctuary. Heb ix. 7-10; x. 20, 21; hence torn in two when Jesus died. Matt. xxvii. 50, 51.
b. God's presence in each.
c. Heavenly beings in each.
(3.) The Holy Place, shadow of the church; for,a. The most holy reached through it.
(4.) The Laver: Its washing of consecration, symbol of baptism; for,
b. It was, like the church, a place of daily service, Heb ix. 6.
c. Had incense, a symbol of prayer (Rev. viii. 3, 4, cf. Luke, i. 10); shewbread, symbol of spiritual [70] food; candlestick, symbol of individual churches (Rev. i. 20).a. It was in order to admission into the service (cf. Heb. x. 19-22),
(5.) The Altar: Its sacrifices symbols of the sacrificial death of Christ. Heb. x. 11-14, et al.
b. It was done but once. Its daily washing of hands and feet, symbol of purity of life.
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
§ I.
- What connection between this book and Genesis?
- What led to the oppression of Israel? and by whom was it begun?
- In what sense did he not know Joseph?
- To what enemies did he especially refer?
- What were his acts of oppression? their purpose? and their effects?
- Why give order to only two midwives?
§ II.
- What special result followed the last act of oppression?
- What was God's design in this result?
- What is next known of Moses?
- Purpose of God in his exile?
- Quote and explain the comments in Heb. xi. 24-26.
- Who was the next Pharaoh, and what the condition of Israel under him?
- What public works did the Hebrews execute for these two kings? [71]
- What commission was given to Moses?
- Where and how? and what his credentials?
- What objections did he urge, and how were they met?
- How was he told to proceed to Egypt? and what was to be the result?
- Describe his journey to Egypt.
§ III.
- What were the effects of the first demand made upon Pharaoh?
- At what season of the year was this?
- In what sense had God not been known by his name Jehovah?
- Trace the genealogy of Moses and Aaron.
- Give the evidence that some names are omitted.
- What the ages of Moses and Aaron at this time. vii. 7.
§ IV.
- Name all the plagues in their order.
- What Miracle preceded them?
- What miracles did the magicians imitate? and why not more?
- Within what time were they all wrought?
- At what intervals did Pharaoh relent, and what confessions did he make?
- For what purposes were the plagues wrought?
- Against what particular gods were they directed?
- Reconcile the statement of the time spent in Egypt with Paul's figures in Gal. iii. 17.
- How many Israelites went out?
- State the regulations concerning the firstborn.
§ V.
- What change made in the line of march?
- Was Etham in the direction of the sea?
- How was Israel "entangled in the land"?
- How was the sea opened? and how wide the passage?
- Why the destruction of the Egyptians so complete?
- What does Paul say of this crossing? and why? I. Cor. x. 1, 2.
- How was [72] the song of Moses composed and sung?
- Discuss the hardening of Pharaoh's heart.
- Subject and extent of this Part?
- Subjects of the sections?
- Describe the region in which these events transpired.
§ I.
- What troubles about water? and the remedy in each case?
- State the same in regard to food.
- What enemy encountered? and how defeated?
- How did they ascend from the sea-coast to Mt. Sinai?
- What organization was effected at Mt. Sinai? and at whose suggestion?
- What purpose did it serve besides the judicial?
§ II.
- What was the covenant made at Mt. Sinai?
- Describe Mt. Sinai. See Lands of the Bible, 447, 448.
- Point out the elements of sublimity in the scene when God descended on the mount.
- Repeat the Ten Commandments.
- Explain the jealousy ascribed to God.
- How does he visit the iniquities of fathers on their children?
- How are the first four commandments distinguished from the other six?
- What the purpose of the terrific displays on the mountain? and what the immediate effect?
§ IV.
- What was written in "the book of the covenant"?
- How was this covenant ratified?
- Describe the vision witnessed by the elders on the mount.
- Design of it? [73]
- To what is this Part devoted?
§ I.
- Give the names of the Holy Vessels, and their positions in their positions in the Tent of Meeting.
§ II.
- Describe the walls and roof of the Tent of Meeting.
- Why the order of these two sections/
§ III.
- How was the Court inclosed?
- Describe the Brazen Altar.
- Where was the fire built?
§ VI.
- Describe the Altar of Incense and the Laver.
§ VII.
- Describe the sin of the Golden Calf, and state the purpose of it.
- Describe the exhibition of God's glory to Moses?
[CNSH1 59-74]
- What the subject of this Part?
- What liberality in contributing materials?
- Quantity of gold and silver used?
- How was the Tent of Meeting set up?
- How did God show his acceptance of it?
- From the contents of the Parts, state the general plan of the book. [74]