Chapter 35
I. Jacob departed from Bethel. Verses 1-5
A. This was the reason for their departure. Verse 1
1. The Lord told Jacob to make that journey. Verse 1
2. The Lord tells us to evangelize the world. Matt. 28:18-20
B. This was the essentials for their departure. Verse 2
1. They must cleanse themselves from their sins. Verse 2
2. We must not let sin dwell in our mortal bodies. Romans 6:12-13
C. This were the blessings of that departure. Verse 3
1. The Lord would bless them. Verse 3
2. We can be blessed by our Lord. 2 Cor. 6:14-18
D. This was the effect of their departure. Verses 4-5
1. They left their sinful ways behind them. Verses 4-5
2. We should leave our sinful ways behind us. Heb. 12:1-2
II. The blessings of Jacob. Verses 6-15
A. This was the reason for his blessings. Verses 6-8
1. Jacob obeyed the laws of God. Verses 6-8
2. We should obey the laws of God. Heb. 5:8-9
B. This was the nature of his blessings. Verses 9-12
1. Jacob had his name changed to Israel. Verses 9-10, Acts 11:26
2. Jacob would receive spiritual blessings from the Lord. Verse 11,
Eph. 1:3
3. Jacob would receive physical blessings from the Lord. Verse 12,
Luke 18:29-30
C. This was the assurance of his blessings. Verse 13
1. The Lord assured him of his blessings. Verse 13
2. The Lord assures us of our blessings. Isa. 1:18-20, Matt. 6:33
D. This was the effects of his blessings. Verses 14-15
1. Jacob was thankful for his blessings. Verses 14-15
2. We should be thankful for our blessings. Phil. 4:6
III. The death of Rachel. Verses 16-20
A. The was the nature of her death. Verses 16-18
1. Rachel died from giving birth to Benjamin. Verses 16-18
2. Death is inevitable. Romans 6:12
B. This was the effects of her death. Verse 19-20
1. She was buried in Bethlehem. Verses 19-20
2. Some may not be buried. 1 Cor. 15:51-52
IV. This sin of Reuben. Verses 21-22
A. This was the place of his sin. Verse 21
1. Reuben committed sin at Edar. Verse 21
2. Sin is universal. Gal. 5:17
B. This was the nature of his sin. Verse 21
1. Reuben committed adultery with his father's wife. Verse 21
2. This sin is strictly forbidden. 1 Cor. 5:1-5
V. The son of Jacob. Verses 23-26
A. The names of his sons by Leah. Verse 23
B. The names of his son by Rachel. Verse 24
C. The names of his sons by Bilah. Verse 25
D. The name of his sons by Zilpah. Verse 26
V. The death of Isaac. Verses 27-29
A. The was the place of his death. Verse 27
B. This was the time of his death. Verse 28
C. This was the effects of his death. Verse 29
Chapter 36
I. The descendants of Esau. Verses 1-43
A. This was the dwelling place of his descendants. Verses 1-8
B. These were the names of his descendants. Verses 9-43
Chapter 37
I. The early life of Joseph. Verses 1-11
A. This was the nature of his life. Verses 1-4
1. Joseph was loved by his father. Verses 1-3
2. Joseph was hated by his brethren. Verse 4
B. This was the destination of his life. Verses 5-10
1. His brethren would respect his authority. Verses 5-8, Gen. 42:6
2. His parents would respect his authority. Verses 9-10, Gen. 46:29
C. This was the effects of his life. Verse 11
1. His brethren envied him.
2. His father pondered his dreams.
II. Joseph at Dothan. Verses 12-28
A. This was the reason for his going to Dothan. Verses 12-17
1. Joseph was sent by his father to find his brethren. Verses 12-14
2. Joseph was searching for his brethren. Verses 15-17
B. This was the envy for his coming to Dothan. Verses 18-22
1. Some of his brethren wanted to kill him. Verses 18-20
2. Reuben wanted to save him. Verses 21-22
C. This was the results of his being at Dothan. Verses 23-28
1. His brothers cast him into a pit. Verses 23-24
2. His brothers sold him for twenty pieces of silver. Verses 25-28
III. The enslavement of Joseph. Verses 29-36
A. This was the plan to cover up his enslavement. Verses 29-32
1. The brothers of Joseph deceive their father. Verses 29-31
2. Jacob was deceived by their plan. Verse 32
B. This was the sadness of his enslavement. Verses 34-35
1. Jacob was grieved. Verse 34
2. Jacob refused to be comforted. Verse 35
C. This was the reality of his enslavement. Verse 36
Chapter 38
I. The house of Judah. Verses 1-30
A. This was the offsprings of Judah and Shuah. Verses 1-11
1. The wife of Judah. Verses 1-2
2. The sons of Judah. Verses 3-5
3. The daughter-in-law of Judah. Verse 6
4. The death's of Judah's sons. Verses 7-11
B. These were the offsprings of Judah and Lamar. Verses 12-30
1. This was the reasons for their offsprings. Verses 12-23
a). Lamar played the role of an harlot. Verses 12-14
b). Judah was willing to have an affair with an harlot. Verses 15-23
2. This was the names of their offsprings. Verses 24-30
Chapter 39
I. The temptation of Joseph. Verses 1-23
A. This was the enticement of his temptation. Verses 1-6
1. Joseph was a slave in Potiphar's house. Verse 1, 2 Tim. 2:22
2. Joseph was promoted in Potiphar's house. Verses 2-5, Luke 12:13-15
3. Joseph was an attractive person. Verse 6
B. This was the nature of his temptation. Verse 7
1. Joseph was tempted to commit adultery. Verse 7
2. This is a common temptation. 2 Peter 2:14
C. This was the victory over his temptation. Verses 8-12
1. Joseph reasoned that he could not sin against God. Verses 8-9,
Psalm 51:1-4
2. Joseph fled from the scene. Verses 10-12, 1 Cor. 6:18
D. This was the results of his temptation. Verses 13-23
1. Joseph was falsely charged. Verses 13-19, Matt. 5:11-12
2. Joseph was cast into prison. Verse 20, Matt. 5:11
3. Joseph was never forsaken by the Lord. Verses 21-23, Heb. 13:5-6
Chapter 40
I. Joseph interpreters two dreams. Verses 1-23
A. This was the reasons for that interpretation. Verses 1-4
1. It was the providence of God.
2. These two men were cast into prison. Verses 1-4
B. This was the need for that interpretation. Verses 5-8
1. These two men had a dream. Verses 5-6
2. These two men wanted an interpretation for their dreams. Verses
C. The meaning of that interpretation. Verses 9-19
1. The butler would be restored to his butership. Verses 9-15
2. The baker would be hanged. Verses 16-19
D. This was the effects of that interpretation. Verses 20-23
1. These interpretations became true. Verses 20-22
2. The butler forgot Joseph. Verses 23
Chapter 41
I. Joseph is made Governor over Egypt. Verses 1-57
A. This was the reasons for his governorship. Verses 1-24
1. Pharaoh wanted an interpretation for his dreams. Verses 1-13
2. The Lord gave Joseph the wisdom to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh.
Verses 14-36
B. This was the need for his governorship. Verses 25-26
1. There would be a great famine in the land of Egypt. Verses 25-32
2. There would be a need for an official to oversee the work in preparing
for the famine. Verses 33-36
C. This were the blessings of his governorship. Verses 37-45
1. Joseph was the second ruler over Egypt. Verses 37-44
2. Joseph was given a wife. Verse 45
D. The work of his governorship. Verses 46-57
1. Joseph prepared for the famine. Verses 46-52
2. Joseph sold corn to the people of Egypt. Verses 53-55
3. Joseph sold corn to the people of other countries. Verses 56-57
II. The deliverance of Joseph. Genesis 41:14-16 A Joseph had to suffer
1. Joseph was placed in prison. Gen. 40:14-15
2. We may have to suffer wrongfully. 1 Peter 2:19-20
B. Joseph endured divine discipline.
1. Joseph was disciplined for thirteen years. Gen. 39:9, 21-23
2. We should endure divine discipline. Heb. 12:5-12
C. Joseph was elevated in life.
1. Joseph was made governor over Egypt. Gen. 41:39-45
2. The Lord can elevate us in life. Eph. 3:24
3. The Lord can elevate us in the coming world. Rev. 3:21
Chapter 42
I. The brother of Joseph came to Egypt to buy corn. Verses 1-38
A. This was the reasons for their journey. Verses 1-5
1. They were sent by Jacob to buy corn. Verses 1-2
2. There was a great famine in the land of Canaan. Verses 3-5
B. This was the reception of their journey. Verses 6-25
1. They were accused of being spies. Verses 6-9
2. They plead their innocence. Verses 10-15
3. They were cast into prison. Verses 16-17
4. They were released from prison on a condition. Verses 18-25
C. This was the effects of their journey. Verses 26-28
1. They were startled. Verses 26-28
2. They revealed their experience unto Jacob. Verses 29-34
3. Jacob was grieved. Verses 35-38
Chapter 43
I. The second journey to Egypt. Verses 1-34
A. This was the need for that journey. Verses 1-2
1. There was a serve famine in the land of Canaan. Verse 1
2. There was a request to made this journey. Verse 2
B. This was the conditions for that journey. Verses 3-10
1. Benjamin was to make the journey. Verses 3-7
2. Judah was to assume the responsibility of Benjamin. Verses 8-10
C. This was the preparation for that journey. Verses 11-15
1. They were to take a present with them. Verse 11
2. They were to take money with them. Verse 12
3. They were to take Benjamin with them. Verse 13
4. They were to take the prayers of Jacob with them. Verse 14
5. They departed for Egypt.
D. This was the reception of their journey. Verses 16-34
1. They were sent to Joseph's home. Verses 16-25
2. They ate diner with Joseph. Verses 26-34
Chapter 44
I. The silver cup. Verses 1-34
A. This was the plot of the silver cup. Verses 1-5
1. It was to be placed in the corn sack of Benjamin. Verses 1-3
2. It was to bring a charge against the brothers of Joseph. Verses
B. This was the agreement of the silver cup. Verses 6-13
1. The one who had the silver cup would serve as a slave. Verses 6-9
2. Benjamin would serve as the slave. Verses 10-13
C. This was the purpose of the silver cup. Verses 14-17
1. The brothers of Benjamin would be free to leave Egypt. Verses 14-16
2. Benjamin would remain behind as a slave. Verse 17
D. This was the effects of the silver cup. Verses 18-34
1. Judah pleads for Benjamin. Verses 18-29
2. Judah pleads for his father. Verses 30-34
Chapter 45
I. Joseph reveals himself to his brethren. Verses 1-15
A. This was the manner of that revelation. Verses 1-3
1. It was made in private. Verse 1
2. It was made with tears. Verse 2
3. It was made by an inquiry. Verse 3
B. This was the nature of that revelation. Verses 4-8
1. It show the providence of God. Verses 4-5
2. It reveals the future plan of God. Verses 6-8
C. This was the purpose of that revelation. Verses 9-11
1. Jacob was to come to Egypt. Verse 9
2. Jacob was to live in the land of Goshen. Verse 10
3. Jacob would be substantiated by Joseph. Verse 11
D. This was the effect of that revelation. Verses 12-15
1. It proved the identify of Joseph. Verses 12-13
2. It reconciled the brothers of Joseph. Verses 14-15
II. Joseph invites Jacob to come to Egypt. Verses 16-28
A. This was the authority of that invitation. Verses 16-20
1. It was approved by Pharaoh. Verses 16-18
2. It was ordered by Pharaoh. Verses 19-20
B. This was the blessings of that invitation. Verses 21-25
1. Provisions was sent for the returned journey. Verses 21-23
2. Gifts were sent to Jacob to affirm the invitation. Verses 23-25
C. This was the acceptance of that invitation. Verses 26-28
1. It was approved by Jacob. Verses 26-27
2. It was accepted by Jacob. Verse 28
Chapter 46
I. The Israelites journeyed to Egypt. Verses 1-34
A. This was the reason for their journey. Verses 1-7
1. The Lord encouraged the Israelites to take this journey. Verse
2. The Israelites were invited by Pharaoh to take this journey. Verses
B. This was the nature of their journey. Verses 8-27
1. This is the names of the Israelites who took that journey. Verses
2. This was the number of the Israelites who took that journey. Verse
C. This was the effects of that journey. Verses 28-34
1. They were welcomed by Joseph. Verses 28-30
2. They would be welcomed by Pharaoh. Verses 31-34
Chapter 47
I. The Israelites arrived in Egypt. Verses 1-12
A. This was the place of their arrival. Verse 1
B. This was the welcome of their arrival. Verses 26
1. Some were presented to Pharaoh. Verses 2-4
2. They would be shepherds in the land of Goshen. Verses 5-6
C. This was the blessings of their arrival. Verses 7-10
D. This was the effects of their arrival. Verses 11-12
1. They were given the land of Goshen for a possession. Verse 11
2. They were supplied with food according to their needs. Verse 12
II. The great famine. Verses 13-26
A. This was the scope of that famine. Verse 13
B. The was the nature of that famine. Verses 14-22
1. The Egyptians spent all their money for food. Verses 14-15
2. The Egyptians traded their land and their services for food. Verses
C. This was the effects of the famine. Verses 23-26
1. The Egyptians were forced to work for Pharaoh. Verses 23-26
2. The Egyptians would be share-cropper of the land. Verses 25-26
III. The residence of Jacob in Egypt. Verses 27-31
A. This was the nature of his residence. Verse 27
B. This was the length of his residence. Verse 28
C. This was the request of his residence. Verses 29-31
1. Jacob didn't want to be buried in Egypt. Verse 29
2. Jacob wanted to be buried in Canaan. Verse 30
3. Jacob wanted Joseph to accomplish this feat for him. Verse 31
Chapter 48
I. The dying utterances of Jacob. Verses 1-22
A. This was the affirmation of his utterances. Verses 1-4
1. Jacob affirmed to the end that God would bless him. Verses 1-4
2. We should affirm unto the end that God will bless us. Rev. 2:10
B. This was the purpose of his utterances. Verses 5-7
1. Jacob claimed the two sons of Joseph as being his own sons. Verses
2. Jacob recalls some of the hardships of his life. Verse 7
C. This was the blessings of his utterances. Verses 8-22
1. Jacob blessed Joseph and his two sons. Verses 8-16
2. Joseph blessed Ephraim and Manasseh. Verses 18-22
Chapter 49
I. This was the prophetic blessings of Jacob. Verses 1-33
A. This was the purpose of those blessings. Verses 1-2
B. This was the nature of those blessings. Verses 3-27
1. Reuben would not receive his birthrights as being the first born
of Jacob. Verses 3-4
2. Simeon and Levi would be scattered in Israel. Verses 5-7
3. Judah would be the one through whom Jesus would be born. Verses
8- 12
4. Zebulun would live toward the seashore. Verse 13
5. Issachar would become a servant to tribute. Verses 14-15
6. Dan would become a judge of the people. Verses 16-18
7. Gad would ultimately become a conquerors of his enemies. Verse
8. Asher would become wealthy in food supplies. Verse 20
9. Naphtali would become graceful in words. Verse 21
10. Joseph would receive the double portion. Verses 22-26
11. Benjamin would devour the people. Verse 27
C. This was the effects of those blessings. Verses 28-33
1. Each tribe would receive the blessings suited to him. Verse 28
2. Jacob requested to be buried with his fathers. Verses 29-32
3. Jacob then died. Verses 33
Chapter 50
I. The burial of Jacob. Verses 1-14
A. This was the preparation for his burial. Verses 1-6
1. Jacob was embalmed. Verses 1-2
2. They mourned the death of Jacob for seventy days. Verses 3
3. Joseph was granted permission to bury his father in the land of
Canaan. Verses 4-6
B. This was the journey for his burial Verses 8-11
1. There was a very great company of people who made the journey to
Canaan. Verses 7-9
2. There was a great lamentation for Jacob at Atad. Verses 10-11
C. This was the place of his burial. Verses 12-13
D. This was the result of his burial. Verse 14
II. This was the repentance of Joseph's brethren. Verses 15-24
A. This was the reason for their repentance. Verse 15
1. They were convicted of their sins. Verses 15
2. We must be convicted of our sins. Luke 18:13, Acts 2:37
B. This was the nature of their repentance. Verses 16-18
1. They confessed their sins. Verses 16-17, James 5:16, Romans 10:9-10
2. They turned from their sins. Verse 18, Matt. 3:7-8, Romans 6:16-18
C. This was the effects of their repentance. Verses 19-21
1. They were forgiven by Joseph and the Lord. Verses 19-21
2. We can be forgiven. Heb. 8:12, Matt. 6:14-15
III. The latter life of Joseph. Verses 22-26
A. This was length of his life. Verse 22
B. This was the blessings of his life. Verse 23
C. This was the purpose of his life. Verses 24-25
D. This was the results of his life. Verse 26
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