Page Section . Frame Section Main Pages . Frame Section Authors 1. Add a banner like below to any of your pages. When they click on it the Christian Library will open in a new browser window.
Open your HTML page with Notepad or some other text editor then copy
and paste the following Codes at the bottom of your page just before the
</HTML> </BODY> tags.
2. Underneath the line is what this page will look like on your web site. Everything is in this zip file. Just extract it anywhere in your web site and add a link to "cl.htm." (Use target="new" in the coding for new window.) OR: Use Notepad and place the following code just above the </body>
</html> on your page and a page like the section below will open in
a separate window when clicked:
3. Add a frames page with your Web site link at the top. Main Frame Page (Step 1): Copy and paste into Notepad and save as "anyname.htm" Then link to "anyname.htm" from pages on your web site.
Step 2:
4. This is the above code except that the URLs for each author is listed in the page instead of the main Christian Library pages. Add a frames page with your Web site link at the top.
Step 2:
You may print anything on this web site provided you follow the restrictions under the Copyright Section. |